The CAC Continuum

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Time Flies Issue

Is this the place?

Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

We are back again, this time with a time issue1. We are going to look at time this time, so remember time flies when you are having fun.

Do not, whatever you do, confuse time with measurement:

A13983203 by U180617

smiley - doh

A look at time in a completely different way:

A14032883 by U5174307

smiley - tongueincheek

A look at all the pitfalls time has:

A14033044 by U801685

smiley - yikes

A different look at the start of the universe and time itself:

A14033305 by U1590784

smiley - star

Now, we all know how to do this:

A14033477 by U739209

smiley - sleepy

Remember if you like what you see, leave a message with the relevant Researcher.
You can always suggest writing for the CAC Continuum either by contacting
The Post, by getting in touch or by visiting us at our own place.

This issue was picked from the space-time continuum by
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

Speak for yourself!

The vulture
I think you're an ugly bird

a bully and a bruiser,

I know were I a little bird,

against you I'd be a loser
by U3835478

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1No, not the lack of time we get to make these

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