Time and Time Travel (CAC Edition)

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Time is often confused for a measurement. You must think of Time as a being instead.

Time feeds off the attention we give it, it migrates from place to place in search for more attention. When you are board, or waiting for something, you tend to pay more attention to Time. Therefore, it goes by slower in order to absorb all the attention you are giving to it. When you don't pay attention to Time it tends to get jealous and goes by faster to get on your nerves.

Based on the above, Time ‘Travel' is relatively simple. All you have to do is convince yourself that Time doesn't exist (almost as easy as missing the ground, eh dentarthurdent?!). Time will get so jealous that it will go by so fast you won't even notice.

Now, some have asked me ‘Well, miss smarty-pants how would I go back in Time?'. Well the answer is simple, you can't. But if you want to waste your Time trying, just stare at a clock eventually Time may slow down and start going backwards, but if you acheived the state of mind nessesary to do this you would concentrating so hard on Time you wouldn't remember to stop, or when to stop, for that matter

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