The HVS Virtual Vegetarian Restaurant

6 Conversations

The Restaurant is now open! Feel free to chat all you want!

Welcome to The HVS Virtual Vegetarian Restaurant! Reservations are unnecesary. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all of our meals are 100% vegetarian. Sit down, relax, and have a friendly chat with your fellow vegs as Chefs Wolfman and Pegasus whip you up a delicious virtual meal.

If you feel like having a nice cold drink, be sure to stop in our pub for a while. All drinks are made without the use of animal products, and they're guaranteed to hit the spot, with the added bonus that virtual hangovers are infinitely more pleasant than physical ones. :-)



Avocado SalsaBlackcurrant and Hazelnut Slices'Catalan Style' SpinachFried Green Plantain (Tostones)Gazpacho SoupMixed Bean HariraPerfect Vegetarian PastaVegetable StockYucca


Baked SpaghettiButternut Squash SoupDanish Rye BreadFried Sweet Plantains - 'Plantanos Dulce Fritos' MallebatzenNorth Staffordshire OatcakePaneerPerfect Cheese SaucePerfect Mashed PotatoesPorridgePotato BakeRisottoSambalWheatgerm Shepard's Pie


Cheesecake Ice CreamCuban FlanDelicious American CookiesEccles CakesGinger BiscuitsGreen Tomato PieJam SpongeMud PieOrange JuliusOutstanding Carrot CakeShortbread CookiesSnickerdoodlesYorkshire Pudding

The Rooms

Each room has it's own unique features, and they're also great places to chat! Check them out!The Main AreaThe Party RoomThe PubThe Vegan SectionThanks for visiting! Come again soon!

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