Welcome to the H2G2 Fringe
Created | Updated Apr 19, 2002
As any of you who have read the Guidelines for Submissions will know, the Official section of the Guide is not currently inviting submission of purely humorous articles, notwithstanding the facts that several such items already exist, and indeed that at the Editor's discretion more may be added.
In the meantime, it seems to many of us that potentially entertaining items are not getting the recognition they deserve because they have no official status and there is no centralised register of them.
I can't avoid the parallel to the Edinburgh Festival here. There they had a perfectly respectable jamboree for Arts and Culture and similar worthy things, and all of a sudden these unruly and unlicensed comedians turned up and made it twice as famous for something over which the original organisers had no control whatsoever. It seems to me that what H2G2 needs is a "fringe" - an unofficial, self-organising way for the community here to get its fill of comedy while the Guide remains factual, marketable, and perhaps just a little snooty.
I am offering my services as a point of contact for this enterprise, until such a time as it proves that anyone else both can and will do it better - which may well be tomorrow. However, my megalomania does not extend to thinking I can do this on my own. If there's one thing that's already painfully apparent, it's that the number of entries in the guide has already passed the point where any one person can search through them all.
Therefore I invite you, gentle reader, to nominate your favourite funnies for my consideration - they may be your own, you may have stumbled across them on your travels. They may be one-liners or fantastic epics. I only ask that they should be H2G2 pages (and accord to the H2G2 rules), that they should be (so far as you can tell) original, and that they should make you laugh. If they make me laugh, or indeed if I can recognise that they would amuse others, I'll add them to the list.
Equally, if there are things on this list which you know are not original, or you think are so unfunny that you find they dilute the overall quality, feel free to say that here too. Please note that, in accordance with my own personal prejudices, I will look more favourably upon articles which are correctly spelled, broken up into paragraphs where appropriate, and which make sense - but I will not in any way edit the articles, and a funny idea will always be the key criterion for inclusion.
Please note that Official Guide entries may also qualify for Fringe status.
This whole setup is currently experimental, including the categories - any suggestions for alterations to the layout, style or indeed concept will also be gratefully received. Who knows, we may soon have our own equivalent of the Perrier awards going!
- Arm Wrestling
- Latin Phrases (NEW!)
- The Noughties (NEW!)
- Throw Pillows