Senso Unico

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The Classic Tourist Trap

Every major Italian town has a Senso Unico, and you will see the signs pointing to it from all over town. Follow these signs to gain a fascinating insight into Italian life.

The Senso Unico can sometimes be hard to spot, and if you're not keeping a careful lookout you can walk straight past it, so keep your eyes peeled. Also, be warned that classical Italian architecture can get rather samey after a while, so much so that it may seem to you that you pass the same buildings more than once - this is an optical illusion; so long as you follow the signs, you will find what you seek eventually.

One other thing which makes it stand out is the way it combines civil and religious function; for although it is traditionally erected and paid for by the secular authorities, it is there to serve the "Followers of the One Way".

The importance of the Senso Unico to the Italians will really strike you when it seems that all of the cars you see on your way are heading towards it.

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