This is a Journal entry by GreeboTCat

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 61

Titania (gone for lunch)

*elbows Milla*

If Greebs says it's pink, it's pink - capisce?

*backs away from Milla too*

*finds herself caught in a corner*

*looks this way and that, trying to decide what to do next*

*remembers the white box she's still hiding behind her back and considers creating a distracting manoeuvre*

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 62

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Ohhh! Now I see! It was the light, I apologise! Wonderful pink! Main reason I chose that towel, actually... smiley - whistle

*backs away with friendly smile*

smiley - towel

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 63


Yay... pink towel... pink towel... ~big grin~...

Pity it wan't orange and black... that is my favourite colour you know... orange and black is purrrrrrrrrfect don't you think?

~Greebo admires herself in a mirror that she produces from thin air~

Me can see that box by the way... yes... the white one...


Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 64

Milla, h2g2 Operations

You mean this smiley - donutbox? Would you like some??? Here you are, there's a dozen!

I will look for an orange and black one next time...

smiley - towel

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 65

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Like this one -

Doesn't the whole world just hate a smart-ass?

Bassman smiley - bikersmiley - cool

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 66

Milla, h2g2 Operations

*gratefully accepts towel*

*cuddles orange and black towel, while missing Greebo*smiley - brave

smiley - towel

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 67


I was hoping Greebo was back then smiley - sadface

Greebo leaves the building... but will return...

Post 68

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I've been away from here for quite some while, but was hoping I would find her on my return....


Bassman smiley - bikersmiley - cool

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