This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

Losing patience

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm not sure that I'll be on this site much longer.

If I do vanish, I can be found in the first instance at pseudo_ivan at optusnet dot com dot au.

This might or might not be my 'official' journal entry for 26 November. Let's see if I come back to the site before the end of the day.

If I don't come back today, I probably won't.


Losing patience

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - cry

Losing patience

Post 3


No! Stay! smiley - wah

Losing patience

Post 4

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

smiley - cuddle

smiley - cheerup

minismiley - mouse

Losing patience

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Don't go!!

Losing patience

Post 6


Hope you don't leave. That would suck.

Losing patience

Post 7

Milla, h2g2 Operations

We've not talked much directly, but I get unhappy when people leave. Separation issues I suppose... How can we make you stay? smiley - handcuffs?

smiley - towel

Losing patience

Post 8

Lady Pennywhistle - Back with a vengeance! [for a certain, limited value of Vengeance; actual amounts of Vengeance may vary]

I don't really know what this is about, which I suppose is a good thing. Just wanted to add myself to the list of people that would be sad to see you (and your lengthy, interesting journals) go. I hope the whatever-it-is gets resolved.
smiley - cheerup

Losing patience

Post 9

Researcher 14993127

If you're feeling rough anyway then coping/dealing with any sort of issue gets that much harder. Take a break so to speak or just stick to the people and threads you're comfortable with. smiley - ok

smiley - cat

Losing patience

Post 10


I would be very smiley - sadface if you leave Ivan. Whatever has upset you please give yourself time to cool off and have a rethink, you would be really missed.

If you are just feeling too poorly to be bothered that is understandable but it will pass.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Losing patience

Post 11

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

I would be sad to see you leave, your journal is à favourite hangout here.

I'm not much happy with things here either. Apart from blaming 2legs and frying smiley - mammoth bacon in NoNoNo there is not a multitude of threads to go. This place has become clickey, rude and generally not fun anymore. smiley - sadface

smiley - dragon

Losing patience

Post 12


I must be lucky, I have had none of that.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Losing patience

Post 13


Hi Ivan

I am fully aware that my post have caused a fair bit of negetiveity onsite

I have given this some thought and have decided that is best for everyone if I reduce my interaction here.

I am not going to go into much detail here but in short I plan to not contribute to Ask, except perhaps the Occupy thread which I am quite attached to

I will only post on journal spaces of a limited number of researchers who don't find me objectionable

If I feel the real need to comment onsite issues, I will do it my journal which peeps have a choice to read or not but for the most part I have either given up on resolving them or can use relevent emails

I hope that will reduce the tensions on Ask and elsewhere and the ramifications there of

I need to tie up a few loose ends on my PS and then I am done

I sincerely hope that this makes h2g2 an easier place for researchers to be

It makes me terribly sad to read your post, while I can't be sorry for the things I have posted, I am genuinely sorry that they have caused you and other bystanders upset

Please come back, I am going away smiley - winkeye

smiley - choc and smiley - ale

Losing patience

Post 14

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Aww, don't go. I'd miss you, I know I only lurk here but i enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you have to say.

smiley - hug

Losing patience

Post 15

You can call me TC

Don't go, Ivan - you're our gateway to the sunny South in these wintery times up here in the Northern hemisphere.

Losing patience

Post 16

Ivan the Terribly Average

This will be my last post on h2g2. I am sorry that it has come to this.

I am unable to go into details about what caused me to decide to leave as it concerns a moderation decision. It appears that I have higher standards than at least one of the mods, and I don't believe that the CEs would reconsider the decision in question.

This hurts, because I was going to be one of the mods until it became apparent that the requirements of a volunteer role of that type could adversely affect my actual RL employment. It hurts to see a job I'd have done well being done badly. It's best for me if I stop looking.

I mention that I would have been a mod for the benefit of the ill-informed human megaphones on this site who are roaming around telling people that they should either volunteer or shut up. I can't volunteer, and I won't shut up, so by your standards the only option for me is to leave. I hope you're pleased with yourselves.

Peanut, please email me - the address is pseudo_ivan at optusnet dot com dot au. Of course you'll need to format that properly. I assure you that I am not leaving as a result of anything you've said. But please do email me.

Most other people from h2g2 are also welcome to email me. That address is a 'filter' address; my reply will come from an email address with my RL name in it.

There is one person who is directly responsible for my departure. I am sorely tempted to 'name and shame', but I won't; I'd rather retain my dignity. In the event that this person emails me, I will simply delete the email and take no further action.

I will now post this message, perhaps sigh a little, and go outside into the garden. I have a pomegranate and a feijoa to plant before the light goes. It's peaceful in my garden.


smiley - redwineIvan.

Losing patience

Post 17


smiley - wah

oh Ivan smiley - hug, this is horrible, you must do what is workable for you of course but you will so sorely missed smiley - wah

I expected teething problems, learning curves blah, blah when it came to modding, I never expected anything like this

I am dismayed beyond belief that the system is failing individual researchers so terribly and that they are leaving or considering doing so as a result and I am struggling to deal with that. I feel betrayed, sorry, but 'let down' does not cut it.

I tried to email you last night with my post in case you weren't smiley - lurk and I did so ages ago when you left the mod board to say that I thought you would have a most excellent mod and I was sorry to see you leave. So I am doing something wrong if you have not got those.

L'il has my email addy smiley - tickle L'il can you pass it on to Ivan and ask him if he is not smiley - lurk to send me a mail and we can see if it works that way round. Thanks smiley - hug

Losing patience

Post 18

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Dang, Blast and Bogger smiley - cross

smiley - hug

smiley - hug

Losing patience

Post 19

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I am smiley - sorry to see you leave but I accept your decision, Ivan smiley - hug

Please don't be a stranger in my email box smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate

Losing patience

Post 20

Mrs Zen

Ivan, I am very sorry to come on line after 36 hours or so and read this.

Please, stay safe and be well.


Key: Complain about this post