This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 61

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - boing I've never felt this good.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 62

aka Bel - A87832164

*Arrives fashionably late*

Congrats, Ivan. smiley - bubbly
I'm pleased you are so happy. smiley - hug

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 63

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks. smiley - biggrin


I think I'll go shopping soon - I need a cake or something.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 64

aka Bel - A87832164

There you are: smiley - cheesecakesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 65

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

*arrives so fashionably late he's almost gone out of fashion and come back into fashion again*

smiley - bubbly

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 66

Ivan the Terribly Average

If you've come back in again, you must be retro. smiley - cool

Anybody else want some cake? smiley - drool Thanks, B'el.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 67

aka Bel - A87832164

Bah, Roymondo, spoilsport! smiley - doh
For once, I thought I could be the smiley - diva, but no, a bruvver has to arrive later still. smiley - rolleyes

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 68

Ivan the Terribly Average


Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 69

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

V'Elana, I might be the retro dude but you're entry had infitiley more grace and style.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 70

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Infitiley? Blame the sore middle finger.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 71

aka Bel - A87832164

Awww, shucks.

And I won't ask about your middle finger - The PY is everywhere. smiley - lurk

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 72

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Fear not - 'tis guitar related.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 73


smiley - applause Congratulations and smiley - goodluck Ivan,

I do hope this will be a good move for you, and anyway a change is supposed to be as good as a rest.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 74

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's definitely as good as a rest, Webby. smiley - zen I feel a lot more relaxed and I'm not even in the new job yet. smiley - laugh

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 75



smiley - biggrin

What you need NOW is the live concert of Manu Chao & then to book El Cheapo route to Frogland, where we shall make more merry than anyone has ever been merrier.
Link to Manu Chao; i shall imediately email you with my phone number,,594049,00.html

Gawd; this couldn't have happened to a person more deserving.smiley - smooch


Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 76


Just emailed to both addy's i have for you, let me know if you get them or just phone; i'll keep the nasty little thing on charge just in case!

(you can zlso try MSN; but it is being a pig lately.)

smiley - cheers


Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 77


Congrats, hun. Hi everybody.

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 78

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hi Ellen. smiley - biggrin

Terri, email received. If I'm awake late tonight my time I'll experiment with the number. smiley - cheers

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 79

aka Bel - A87832164

Evening Ivan. smiley - smiley

Did you go and buy your cake?

Free, free,...FREE! (Or close enough.)

Post 80

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, and I ate it too. There was icecream as well. smiley - biggrin To hell with sensible eating - I think I can eat whatever I want once in a while. I can be sensible again tomorrow.

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