This is a Journal entry by Jaguar

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 61

Ming Mang

Nope. I haven't done any exams recently...
(Unless you count the end-of-year exams 3 weeks ago.)
But how was it??

But, everything may not be anything at all, therefore nothing exists to be a part of anything.
Although there is a theory that the Universe was created out of nothing but pure randomness. That is, the random joints between 'pseudo-objects' that don't really exist. I kid you not, it was in the New Scientist magazine... and it was serious!

smiley - smiley


Hey you, read this or else.

Post 62

njan (afh)

You haven't? I see. When do you do GCSEs? Or when did you do them?

Umm... it was... stressful.

Yes, I know, I get New Scientist.

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 63

Ming Mang

I do my GCSE's about this time next year. Except Drama, which we're doing in February, would you believe!?

Oh dear... *sympathy and lots of it*
I hope you did well!

Cool! And that means I won't have to try and explain it... smiley - smiley!


Hey you, read this or else.

Post 64

njan (afh)

Oh, I see. A good piece of advice would be to revise frantically for maths... we were the first year to have the new non-calculator papers, and so they were easy (the boards always make papers easy if they, or the syllabus, are new).. however, your year will have the nasty, horrifically difficult ones, if past board behaviour is anything to go by. smiley - smiley

Ooh... sympathy... this is a new thing for me. No-one here cares... lol.

*s*... You'll find that anything in New Scientist is instantly memorised by me, and therefore it's futile even talking about it, because you'll just get magazine quoted at you. Actually, I remember everything I ever read, see, or hear, that's scientific. I can still quote Susan Greenfield from when I went to see a lecture by her 6 months ago. But unfortunately, this skill stops as soon as I venture near school, or school-related work, which is irritating. smiley - winkeye

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 65

Jenny and Fred the cheese

Ah the vivisection paper, i also am Emma's year but my friend Fran came out having written a stormin letter about how necsessary it is and found everyone else has written in sympathy, needless to say she kept her mouth shut. Were you doing the intermediate maths then? everyone i know who did higher is feeling vaguely suicidal, or you could just be disturbingly intelligent

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 66

njan (afh)

Oh, yes, I had the vivisection paper. My parents are socialists, I live near a "breeding cute cats for vivisection" farm, and a friend of mine is a fox-hunt saboteur and PR guy for some animal rights group who just won a court case against the EU. So I wrote the letter and argued against vivisection.

No, I'm doing higher tier... I'm in the bottom maths group... but I'm naturally good at maths, I just didn't get taught it at my last school, so at this school they put me in the bottom group, and never bothered changing me, blah blah blah. ...Mind asking someone who did the maths paper what they got for the "sequences" question? the top bit should have the answer N^2(that means squared)-1, but the second part was a wrong question, I'm sure.

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 67

njan (afh)


Hey you, read this or else.

Post 68

Ming Mang

*frowns at Jenny a lot*
Emma is me. But I am Ming online...

*frowns at Jenny even more*


Hey you, read this or else.

Post 69

njan (afh)

Aah, I see. I would give you my name, but I'm keeping anonymous.. *grins a lot*. And I don't have any friends to give it away. Well, actually, there is Krans Hopeson. But he isn't here... *grins*

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 70

Ming Mang

Ooooh! *looks disappointed*
You know mine and Jenny's!
Please? Please please please please please please please please?????



Hey you, read this or else.

Post 71

njan (afh)

Hmm.... *thinks, and debates*

Well, I'm not sure.

Hey you, read this or else.

Post 72

Ming Mang

Heh heh heh! 2 weeks later and I know it!
*evil grin*
Anyone else want to know?
*eviller grin*

smiley - winkeye


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