This is a Journal entry by bobstafford

The New Top Gear

Post 1


The wait is over the new top gear has been shown for the first time.
So did you see it? What do you think?

smiley - erm

The New Top Gear

Post 2

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Dare I ask what it is?

The New Top Gear

Post 3


Top Gear is a popular BBC TV car show with a massive following around the world but presented with style and humor.

After an argument

The BBC had to let the shows star go, they have had to re vamp the show and re launch it with what appears to be very limited success. The presenter an american Matt LeBlanc did do a good job though.

As reviewed here

The New Top Gear

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I liked it, Chris Evans needs toning down but Matt Le Blanc was surprisingly good. it's going to need a series or two to find it's feet, even the transformation of Top Gear from Quentin Wilson to Clarkson and Co needed several years before they got it right.

The New Top Gear

Post 5

Icy North

It never recovered after Noel Edmonds and Angela Rippon left.

The New Top Gear

Post 6


Posts 4 and 5
Never watched the show then so cant comment on those smiley - erm

The New Top Gear

Post 7


Well, I will never be watching it again, it will never be the same. I don't like Chris Evans, and having too many presenters is bound to spoil it.

I'm even thinking of joining Amazon, some can see the "old boys" doing what only they can do best, and that's to make a great TV car show. smiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The New Top Gear

Post 8

SashaQ - happysad

I enjoyed it too - similar to and different from the previous series, but in a good way overall.

I missed the first half of the first episode, so I didn't see Sabine and probably missed Chris Evans being too over the top, but I did enjoy watching him in TFI Friday so I perhaps wouldn't have minded too much. I was concerned about Matt Le Blanc at first because he seemed to be asleep on his feet after the Star in a Rally Car segment, but he woke up when he was in the Aerial so he made a better impression on me after that. The acoustics in the new studio are a bit weird, but it is pleasing how the set looks similar to and different from the previous one at the same time as well.

The second episode was good - I like how Chris Evans is genuinely passionate about cars and I particularly enjoyed the segments including Sharleen Spiteri.

The New Top Gear

Post 9


Well, I don't want to say I told you so,..........but,..............I told you sosmiley - winkeye

It doesn't matter who they put in to host that program, they will never get the viewers the program had before?

They made that show their own, they broke every health & safety rule, and many other broadcasting no no's, the banter they had was just fantastic.

We all knew it wasn't a serious "car program" but it was something totally different, it was refreshing, and some of the filming was fantastic, way up there with the best of them nature documentaries.

I still miss it, and watch the repeats every time the air them.smiley - ok

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The New Top Gear

Post 10

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - laugh Indeed you did!

"They made that show their own, they broke every health & safety rule"

Yeah - friends of friends of mine unexpectedly had their business car park trashed after the last Clarkson Top Gear series filmed there, so there is fun to be had in amusing sketches about cars, but there is a limit...

The last episode in the new series was good - all 6 presenters went in the rally cross car, and the featured cars were excellent to watch.

I agree with you on the cinematic filming of breathtaking scenes being up there with the best smiley - ok

The New Top Gear

Post 11


The BBC have cancelled the plans for the Christmas specials now smiley - erm

The New Top Gear

Post 12


Has anyone seen their new program on Amazon yet?

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The New Top Gear

Post 13


Dont have amazon smiley - winkeye

The New Top Gear

Post 14


Nor me – but talking of programmes that Jeremy Clarkson used to present that have recently been revamped – has anyone been watching the new series of 'Robot Wars'?


The New Top Gear

Post 15

Icy North

I keep missing it!

Is it any good?

The New Top Gear

Post 16


Only seen one episode so far, so still trying to decide how many of the changes are actually improvements. Having only one house robot in the arena at a time seems weird, but it is good to see some familiar ones back, even if the format seems a little strange.

I'll try and catch up with the other episode.


The New Top Gear

Post 17


I saw on TV last night, that they are going to add an actress to the presenting staff, but I can't remember her name?

It doesn't really matter to me, as I haven't watched it sine the new team took over?

I've also noticed that they have stopped showing the repeats on the Dave channel, pity as I was enjoying watch them againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

The New Top Gear

Post 18


Any one seen the new show with Clarkson and co on Amazon? Is it any good?

The New Top Gear

Post 19


It has been 3 MONTHS since it was first broadcast.

It appears that it will not survive, the Amazon show sounds like it is way better.

Not having seen the new show has anyone seen it and if so what do you think?

The New Top Gear

Post 20


I have bought an Amazon stuck since my last post, and have managed to watch the first two episodes on the Grand Tour, but for some reason can't get any more?

Mind you, that stick is hard to use, it can do so much, but there are no instructions showing you how to use it?smiley - erm

I've spent ages with it, flicking through all the Apps and menus, but still haven't cracked itsmiley - wah

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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