This is a Journal entry by bobstafford

The EU Hokey Kokey

Post 1


In, out, in, out, shake it all, and about as daft

How can we make an informed decision when we do not know all the critical information. Its nothing to do with Greece that was local political mismanagement and they will get out of it with help.

How can we make a decision on headlines and half truths, when did you ever trust the promises of a politician, or the truth of the edited words of a newspaper. Readers of the mass media press will not be aware of all the facts, and have no idea of how the EU works.

There is a hidden agenda here and we will not know what it is until to late it will not cure the immigration problem or protected us from the economic problems of the future UK recession being the most damaging.

The Scottish leaders seek power by leaving the union and the PM by leaving the EU that's all there is to it. Why the vote that is possibly just so they can walk away reputations intact and blame the voters, backs nicely covered there chaps. It might work out but the voters will not get the credit, that will go to to the chaps in Westminster.

As for the cuts in public services its not the fault of the EU its the fault of the UK economic policy. The EU has not any control of the UK domestic policy its Westminster and they have made a mess of it this. Why I wonder dose the EU appear to be in better overall financial shape than the UK.

EU exit debate is a smokescreen to hide the mismanagement of the economy over decades. It is just an attempt to create a clean sheet, to leave the mess behind. The Queen has expressed her opinion that the government will be wrong to exit.

We need to wale up we need leaders not a vote when the voters are there to provide the best of excuses.

What do the panel think?

The EU Hokey Kokey

Post 2

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

My suggestion is a 'trial exit, meaning the EU and UK pretend for... 3 years?... that the UK is not part of the EU anymore. With all consequences. After the given time there has to be a final decision, but there should be the possibility to end the experiment and return to normal EU membership at any time.

Personally I think the EU does more good than bad, but there need to be reformations in many places.

The EU Hokey Kokey

Post 3


I am with you there Tav but all the good is in the background and hardly noticed by the general population smiley - erm

The EU Hokey Kokey

Post 4

Icy North

Britain's not had a war with continental Europe for probably the longest period in its history. Whatever people decide is the best economic arrangement, they have to find a solution that is founded on peace.

The EU Hokey Kokey

Post 5

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

the bigger something gets (business/politics etc etc) the more corrupt it gets. Bloody hard to root out deep corruptionsmiley - sadface

the meek shall inherit the earthsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughget real!!!!

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