This is a Journal entry by Universal Granny
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 9, 2005
Thats the "Connecting with the Inner Child" scenario... it's a way of teaching oneself to be able to comfort and reassure oneself and as you say, Granny, its a lovely feeling to return to. Solves buggerall, but it feels wonderful - I amn't knocking it, though.
The trouble IS, with people like you and I Granny, is that we have this appauling sense of the ridiculous to contend with - and by the sound of it, very similar, literal minds..... your therapist obviously hadn't sussed your personality type accurately enough to realise you needed more, appropriate instructions as to the disposal. And I'm being serious, here) Rather than put the tape "safe" it may have been better if she had offered to take it from you for safe disposal as the lady who councelled me for Alcoholic Spouse System did, when I under went something similar.
Virtual **** indeed! You crack me up!
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 9, 2005
It all sounds very sensible to me,and i can imagine,very comforting.
Maybe the "tape" was meant to be kept,for future reference.Don't think i'd want a tape in the first place though!
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 9, 2005
Precisely Sal... once a problem's "dealt" with, why hold onto the pain, as such? Which is why, I think, when I had that sort of "therapy" the counsellor offered to keep it safe from me.(Or for me - should I wish to refer to it in the future)
And you're right; it's probably better not to need to "dream a tape", but it's good that it is one of many ways to get rid of fears, hang ups, traumas, etc. It works for some, and not for others.
If it works for you, then great; you can get on with the next bit of life!
I don't think of it as strange, just an inventive way of dealing with a problem......
Which to me, is sensible!
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 10, 2005
I am toomuch of a coward ,ev,as to want to recall a lot of childhood events,i feel they're better staying in the past,but i think in UG's case it seems the best thing she could have done.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Universal Granny Posted May 10, 2005
Are you nicely coiffeured (spelling?) now Smurfles?
You're right, it did do me some good - but not towards thunderstorms, but towards my feelings about myself. When I "hugged" myself I felt cold to touch (i.e. the child felt cold to touch), and that would, indeed, reflect my early childhood.
I was not ill treated, but I was not shown love. My Mum had a lot on her plate... my Dad invalided out of the army with a nervous breakdown... sometimes at work, sometimes not, with the resultant loss of income, she was always very preoccupied.
So I kept myself scarce, amused myself, and then my sister came along. Now SHE liked being fussed over, and demanded a lot of attention (still does!!), and my Mum gave it to her, so I withdrew even further. But I did, to a certain extent, put myself out into the cold.
too deep! too deep! How's the weather with you, Smurfles, and you Evadne and Shhh. It's lovely and sunny here but with a cold wind.
Must run (wish I could!)
Take care, all, UG
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 10, 2005
Hi UG,it sounds as though we went through much the same as children.Mum (bless her) married at 29,had me,the eldest,at 33.She bought a shop which opened from 9 in the morning til 10 at night,when i was almost five,and dad died when i was almost six.i have one younger sister who was three and a half then.It was just a year later my gran died ,and was living with us at the time.And so it went on.
certainly to deep!
The weather here is lovely,but i haven't experienced how it feels yet today.Still, a doctors appointment should remedy that at teatime!!!
So glad to "see" you looking chirpy again.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Universal Granny Posted May 10, 2005
It's not in my nature to stay down for too long, but this time it took a bit of serious talking to myself to persuade myself that life had to go on, and could not stop for fear of being struck again!
Hope the doctor's appointment is just a check-up and nothing serious.
Take care UG
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 10, 2005
I think you've done really well UG,and there will be times when you feel scared in the future i would imagine,but you've bounced back once,and each time will get a little easier.
Just going for a chat about my aches nd pains,as usual,i'll come out feeling as though i've wasted my time no doubt,but maybe they've come up with a new treatment ,you never know!!
Nice to be able to chat,look after yourself!
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 15, 2005
I reckon we're ALL pretty special in our varying ways - but then, I'm biased! all round.
(I've just discovered vitual s don't hurt as much as they used!)
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 15, 2005
They do make you feel beter ,don't they,but i think you've deserved more of the real thing recently.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 15, 2005
Then you'd be proud of my eldest lad Sal - great gawky lump of a 17yr old, all bristles and elbows, god love him.
He's not only being seen in The Street with his mum, who has.. (well... he says my dress sense is S**t, but I say it's unique!) different ideas and ideals of image and style, shall we say? PLUS I have a walking stick with a silly slogan written on it, to cheer me up...
He's not only cheerfully carrying home shopping in the Morrison's Carrier bags, he's supporting me with the other arm. On a couple of accaisions he has actually physically carried me a few yards when we had to get to the side of the pavement for me to have a quick rest.
And he's given me more hugs and encouragement and care in the last few weeks than I know how to cope with. He's been wonderful; At 17, he knows how to "care" without clinging, patronising or causing guilt.
He's 17, he hasn't got a job, he hasn't got many qualifications, and society would label him a failiure
I reckon my eldest son could show an awful lot of "society" what it is to be a damned good human being!
I am soo proud of him, I really am.
Where are you-u-u-u?
smurfles Posted May 15, 2005
Well done that young man!And they call the youth of today.I'm sure he isn't a failure,just not old enough to be a success yet,but i'd be proud of him too.He's a success in your opinion,and mine too.I'll send him a ,you don't have to tell him if it'l make him
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 16, 2005
He's getting quite used to being approved of by what he affectionately calls "Mum's Wrinklies"
(I shall tell him about UG's comments re the peaches, I think. That'll shut him up for all of 5 minutes...!)
He said to say "Thanks - as many as ya like - but tobacco would be nicer!" ... oh yes and "Hallo Granny's mate"
God knows where he got the practical streak from... it sure as hell wasn't me!
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 20, 2005
Are you missing *Granny?* (in which case, improve your aim, immediately!)
(No offence intended, UG!!!)(Ducks geriactrically, just in case!)
Or..... are you *missing* granny? ( in which case get the search parties out.)
Or... are *you* missing granny (in which case, yes, I'd agree with you - it does look like she's missing - and I wish she'd come and natter with us!)
Or... *are* you missing, granny? (which would appear to be the case... since she hasn't replied yet!)
Where are you-u-u-u?
Universal Granny Posted May 23, 2005
I'm here! Desperately trying to get my home computer fixed so that I don't have to keep dodging the bosses to come on line.
I really don't like to be missing, in whatever sense you take it, but I seem to have suddenly stepped on to an escalator with a personality disorder and it is hurtling me towards a huge black hole of "stuff" to do, organise, be there for, comfort, tick-off.... probably having something to do with 5 close family birthdays in this one week alone!
Am off to buy an inflatable goal post (!) for my four year old grandson for his birthday (which was in March ), and to try and drum up inspiration for my sister, mother-in-law, niece, brother-in-law and daughter!
I see I have 51 posts to catch up on your "By the time..." thread, Witchone, so am going to read the last few to get the general gist and then try and get on here again tomorrow to catch up properly.
Take care, all of you, I miss you all when I can't get a connection.
Where are you-u-u-u?
Moving On Posted May 24, 2005
It was, it was....
In a word
51 posts, Granny?
Good grief.
I don't think there's been a lot of sense of that one for the last set of painkillers, meself!
Dunno what everyone elses excuse is!
Inflatable goalposts?
Thats brilliant..... absolutely NO excuse for not being able to move the things whenever you want to....
A burocrat's dream, eh?
Hows the birthday buying buys, going?
Key: Complain about this post
Where are you-u-u-u?
- 201: Moving On (May 9, 2005)
- 202: Shhhhh (May 9, 2005)
- 203: smurfles (May 9, 2005)
- 204: Moving On (May 9, 2005)
- 205: Shhhhh (May 10, 2005)
- 206: smurfles (May 10, 2005)
- 207: Universal Granny (May 10, 2005)
- 208: smurfles (May 10, 2005)
- 209: Universal Granny (May 10, 2005)
- 210: smurfles (May 10, 2005)
- 211: Moving On (May 15, 2005)
- 212: smurfles (May 15, 2005)
- 213: Moving On (May 15, 2005)
- 214: smurfles (May 15, 2005)
- 215: Moving On (May 16, 2005)
- 216: Shhhhh (May 20, 2005)
- 217: Moving On (May 20, 2005)
- 218: Universal Granny (May 23, 2005)
- 219: Shhhhh (May 24, 2005)
- 220: Moving On (May 24, 2005)
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