This is a Journal entry by Queen Mistress Cittykat555

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 1

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

I'm doing a speech in oral communication about the coerrelation between math and music. I have most of the information I need to prove my point but I need sources and opinions on both sides.
So how about it, Do any of you believe their is a direct coerrelation between music and math, the opposite? anything?

smiley - rainbow
Please someone post

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 2

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

and yes I know I can't spell.

smiley - winkeye

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 3

Lady Scott

There is a relationship between the two... in a way.

I suppose the rhythm maintained by the counting of the beats in a measure is the most obvious correlation, but there's also the fact that each note is written in such a way that it has a specific number of beats, and even it's position on the staff and the use of chords are not just musical notations, they have their basis in math. This is how anyone with a knowlege of music theory can pick up any piece of music and know how to play it pretty much the way the composer intended. In other words, music is mathematical. Of course you also have to follow the expressive notations (allegro, forte, pianissimo, etc) to fully play it the way the composer intended.

Relating it the other way around is a bit more difficult - that is to say that "math is musical" is a difficult concept for me to imagine.

smiley - erm

But that's kinda what they did in ET, isn't it? Only they added in the concept that this mathematical music was actually a language in and of itself.

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 4

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

I don't remember e t....
But I know math definatly relates to music because music relates to math, It drives me nuts in both classes, because I'll think of the other. the rhythmic concepts are hard to ignore, subdivisions and such, as in 4 4 time a quarter note is a fourth and a half note is half etc and a dotted quarter is a quarter plus and eigth...
that's how I learned fractions
One fourth plus one fourth is a half note.
One fourth plus one eight is a dotted eighth or 3 eights...

smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 5

Lady Scott

Never thought of it like that - good point. smiley - ok

You really must see ET - it may give you a little more food for thought about the relationships between music, math and language, and another reference point for your research.

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 6

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Then again...there the whole question of harmonics. The frequency at which each note vibrates. smiley - erm Doesn't that have something to do with math? smiley - bigeyes

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 7

Crazy Man

that's more physics based...which is mostly math based..therefore it is (at least mostly) math based smiley - geek

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 8

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Exactly! Kind of... in a round-a-bout way smiley - erm

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 9

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

yep yep, I gave my speech and no one had a clue what I was talking about. Would you guys like to see the speech?

smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 10

Lady Scott

Sure - If you do it as a guide entry, it might even be appropriate for submission to peer review. smiley - ok

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 11

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

true, how do I go about doing that?

smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 12

Lady Scott

On your page, down near the bottom, it'll say "Click here to add a new Guide Entry". If you have it on your computer already, you can just cut and paste it in.

Then if you decide it meets the guidelines for submission to peer review (be sure to check the guidelines - there's lots of stuff that's been submitted that simply doesn't meet those guidelines), it'll need to be done in Guide ML, and there will be a place on your entry to click to submit it.

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 13

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

Kewl, I'll have to do that this weekend. I only have my notes. which are basically the whole paper, it'll take no time to type up.

smiley - biggrin
smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 14

Lady Scott

smiley - ok

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 15


wow..sounds...big...and interesting...
^. .^
= ` =

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 16

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

What's interesting?
what's big?

smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 17


the speech...
how was it?
^. .^
= ' =

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 18

Queen Mistress Cittykat555

Boring everyone in my class fell asleep, but i thought it was great
smiley - rainbow

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 19


smiley - biggrin
what about the teacher?
^. .^
= ' =

Math and music, please give your opinion

Post 20


Hi! Interested in your Math/Music thing. I have plenty of material for you and I can be contacted on: Del Boy [email protected] Please observe the spaces!


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