This is a Journal entry by Daily Llama
Daily Llama Started conversation Jun 26, 2005
My eyes are killing me... Just been to the opticians getting contact lenses, and they made me put them in and take them out three times, to make sure I could do it, but it seems I'm allergic to the cleaning solution. Nice...
invisibleknight Posted Sep 30, 2006
i can relate to burning eyes. my glaucoma gives that all the time. it's possible you have blepheritis which is a mild eye infection. easily fixed with dabbing some mildly salted water onto the effected area (not the eye, the eye lid normally.
(get a big jar, fill 2/3's with water, about 2 table spoons of water, stir well, store in fridge for further use - apply with tissue or cotton buds)
do you find you suffer from dry skin?
most people with bleph do.
the doctor is now out, thanks for calling - that was free.
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