This is a Journal entry by Hypatia
News from Little DooDah
Hypatia Started conversation Sep 3, 2013
The library is in the midst of a financial problem which is making it necessary for me to close on Mondays for the foreseeable future. Our centennial celebration continues. This month we are up to the 60s. I am changing automation providers this month so am staying extremely busy. I am also changing our ISP. Lots of stuff happening at once.
I have been under the weather for the past several months. A combination of arthritis, herniated discs, and a fall left me hobbling and in a lot of pain. That is getting better. I would start feeling better then do too much and get down again. I've had to force myself to take it easy. Then last week I came down with a cold. Sweet. Anyway, I am behind with settling Mother's affairs. I think I have a buyer for her house, but still have to get some stuff over there cleaned out and a sale of the contents arranged. I just haven't been up to it. The six month minimum probate period ends this month.
My garden is pretty much a bust this year, too. Couldn't take care of it properly and couldn't afford to hire it all done.
The dogs, cats and boyfriend are all well. Can't think of anything more newsworthy right now.
News from Little DooDah
Websailor Posted Sep 3, 2013
Oh, Hypatia, it never rains but it pours! I know you, and having to slow down is not something you find easy but you will have to. Just deal with the essential things, like the deadline if you can, or ask someone to help.
It is amazing how many things can wait if necessary, and your health is paramount.
Take care and
News from Little DooDah
Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Posted Sep 3, 2013
So good to hear from you ...
I hope life calms down soon & you will have a chance to get your energy back.
As we grow older we have less of of in the first place. And it takes more rest to recover it.
Sending Best Wishes your way ... .
News from Little DooDah
cactuscafe Posted Sep 3, 2013
Hullo Hyp!
Take care, sweetie.
I was thinking about you the other day. Remember when you were on the radio? At election time? Talking to Rhod Sharp. That was cool.
The Fireclouds have been to Alaska again this summer. Phreddy ate lots of cod. haha.
News from Little DooDah
Hypatia Posted Sep 4, 2013
Thanks everyone for your kind remarks. The single most frustrating thing about getting older is not being able to do the things I used to take for granted. No one else thinks badly of me because there are weeds in the flower beds and my kitchen floor needs mopped. But it bothers me. Like most women, taking care of myself has never been a priority. I was always the one expected to take care of everyone else.
Just doing what I need to do at the library has been all I could manage. Fortunately I'm feeling a lot better. Which is a good thing considering how many things are in the hopper between now and next spring.
Ah, yes. I do remember that, desert goddess. It impressed the hell out of my book club ladies. I had to leave a meeting early because I was doing a live interview on the BBC.
Phred eating cod instead of halibut! What's the world coming to?
Hope you're all well and happy.
News from Little DooDah
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Sep 5, 2013
I'm sorry to hear about the library, and hope you can get over the cold and the wonkiness ASAP, Please ask for help with the estate. Could a Bearded cousin or two help with some of that sale and clean out?
Energy and good vibes winging your way.
News from Little DooDah
Hypatia Posted Sep 6, 2013
Bearded Cousins are on board to help. Don't know what I'd do without them sometimes. The hold up has been me.
Some good things are happening at the library, too. The new automation system comes with membership in a fairly recent statewide consortium that will truly benefit our patrons. We're excited about that. Plus, we're finally getting eBooks in a couple of weeks. Our centennial programs are drawing big crowds, which is gratifying considering how little money we have to spend on them.
So it isn't all doom and gloom in Little DooDah.
News from Little DooDah
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Sep 6, 2013
The only way is up, eh? Might be overly cheery, but who said we couldn't go a bit crazy?
News from Little DooDah
cactuscafe Posted Sep 6, 2013
Good to hear it! That it isn't all gloom and doom. And the bearded cousins are around! I forgot about the bearded cousins! Nice to remember these things. heheh.
I think Phreddy is still eating vast quantities of halibut also. Remember when they were coming to visit you, and he wanted to bring you a giant catering size slab of frozen cod? That was so funny. You said 'I don't want a giant catering sized slab of cod'. .
(Phred Firecloud is a mutual friend of ours, in case anyone is reading this, and wondering what we're on about. .He used to be a hootoo Researcher.)
Interesting what you say about being the one who is expected to take care of everyone else. I know that. It's very draining. I've had times when I've put out so much, with no return, then wondered why I'm feeling ill.
Nice to be called Desert Goddess again. Lovely to talk to you, dear Hyp.
News from Little DooDah
Websailor Posted Sep 6, 2013
That's me too, the hardest part of getting older is slowing down. The will is there but the flesh is weak and it is SO frustrating. Mind you I am still looking after people, my granddaughter for a couple of days just. I asked them why they couldn't have had her 20 years ago when I was younger and fitter, and they said they often wished the same - she was a late surprise
Granddaughter is very puzzled that Granny cannot get up and down off the floor, or chase the round the big garden but my quiet pursuits with her are much appreciated bythe parents.
Hope you are soon feeling much better. Glad things seem to be on the up again.
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News from Little DooDah
- 1: Hypatia (Sep 3, 2013)
- 2: Milla, h2g2 Operations (Sep 3, 2013)
- 3: Websailor (Sep 3, 2013)
- 4: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 3, 2013)
- 5: Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense (Sep 3, 2013)
- 6: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Sep 3, 2013)
- 7: cactuscafe (Sep 3, 2013)
- 8: Hypatia (Sep 4, 2013)
- 9: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Sep 5, 2013)
- 10: Hypatia (Sep 6, 2013)
- 11: Titania (gone for lunch) (Sep 6, 2013)
- 12: Hypatia (Sep 6, 2013)
- 13: cactuscafe (Sep 6, 2013)
- 14: Websailor (Sep 6, 2013)
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