This is a Journal entry by Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

The Escape Plan

Post 621

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


nothing to say

have a smiley - strawberry


The Escape Plan

Post 622

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Thank you Sir. At a lost for words at the present myself

The Escape Plan

Post 623

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

smiley - strawberry


The Escape Plan

Post 624

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

Good evening.

I don't know how many of you are still with us but I'd like to continue this meeting by asking three questions.

Firstly, does anyone object to The Kid being appointed as Keeper of the Log and Mechanic to the BHEC?

Secondly, does anyone object to leaving a week tomorrow. We did agree on Wednesday didn't we? Some fool rubbed it off the blackboard on cocktail night.

Thirdly, What is ?

Answers objections and constructive sugggestions should be posted to a posting near here some time within the next 18 hours.

Now I'll have one of those smiley - strawberry and a glass of smiley - bubbly please.

The Escape Plan

Post 625

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Is there a chance y'all may have some Old FitzGeralds 101 proof.
Haven't had it in qute some time.

The Escape Plan

Post 626

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

no objection
wednesday is fine but i might not make it myself
no idea
smiley - strawberry and smiley - bubbly for the chair


The Escape Plan

Post 627

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

no objections here either.

This wednesday sounds ideal.

Tiffin is a load of stuff mixed with smiley - choc with even more smiley - choc on top. (Of course if you raid the dispensary cupboard you can always find a few extra ingredients to make it do the things it does smiley - winkeye)

Any chance of smiley - bubbly for me?

What does everyone think about installing a minibar in the back of PeeJ's mini? If we do, I'll go in the back. If not, can I sit in the front with Doctor Colin to stop myself from getting tavel sick?

The Escape Plan

Post 628

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

This wednesday is fine for me also, we going in the morning, afternoon, or dead of night ?

I dont mind scrunching up in the back with 6 and the bar if I'm not needed for driving duties, as long as there is a plentifull supply of smiley - bubbly and .

If we are making a break for it on Wednesday, do you not think we ought to start actually planning stuff?

The Escape Plan

Post 629

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

I suppose that might be a good idea. What shall we plan next?

The Escape Plan

Post 630

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

How about planning a start time?

What with all the different time zone stuff, we might all turn up at stupid times.

Or we could just drink smiley - bubbly and eat

Do you put smiley - strawberry's in >

The Escape Plan

Post 631

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

plan to make a plan........



The Escape Plan

Post 632

Fred Smith

We can take the smiley - strawberrys, and smiley - bubbly with us. Next wednesday is the best day for me for a while, because I have a lot of work to do for the next four weeks. Probably the best time for me is between 4 PM-7:30 PM or 9:00 PM-midnight.

Is escaping going to be dangerous? It may be worth getting hold of some weaponry if it will be.

The Escape Plan

Post 633

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

l'll bring my feet and hands. l do have a crossbow.

The Escape Plan

Post 634

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

Hmmmm, big guns...

Not quite sure we'll need 'em, but at least we'll look cool while escaping!

I think any enemys we encounter on the way will be unable to penetrate our mighty shield of drunkeness.

And we could always throw smiley - strawberry or smiley - tomato at them. smiley - winkeye

I also have my towel, which we can wrap around our heads etc etc...

The Escape Plan

Post 635

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

hahahahahahhaha Good One Mate.
smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

The Escape Plan

Post 636

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

Surely the sound of PeeJ's mini will be frightening enough.

If not we could always throw some of the tiffin at them.

I'm not really sure about wrapping PeeJ's towel round my head. I don't know where it's been.

Can we leave at about tea-time? I don't finish work till 6pm on Wednesdays

The Escape Plan

Post 637

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

Tea time is okay.

Is that not an awfull waste of ? I can think of *much* better uses for it smiley - winkeye

The Escape Plan

Post 638

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

I'm never sure when I am going to be around, so can someone remind me closer to the time that we are escapeing?

and did anyone take out a copyright on tiffin?

is there a tiffin smiley?

should we campaign for one?


The Escape Plan

Post 639

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

Does anyone know what tiffin is supposed to look like?

I could take out the copyright but I think you can buy it in a particular supermarket.

I first learnt to make it on an episode of Blue Peter so I think they've probably got the copyright.

The Escape Plan

Post 640

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

l find that plans confuse the issue. A ruff outline for purpose. Plans are so confining as conditions can become fluid.
smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

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The Escape Plan

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