This is a Journal entry by Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

The Escape Plan

Post 741

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

and the conversation goes cold again....
smiley - reindeer

The Escape Plan

Post 742

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

Sorry about that. I keep forgetting my logon details! Just managed to find them whilst sorting through everything ready to move house!

I'm sure I'll forget them again quite soon so just in case, keep making the appointments on my behalf. I really am grateful!

I'll probably be about again in a few days or weeks depending on how the house move goes!

In the meantime I will just stop for smiley - tea and smiley - cake and have a break from all those boxes.

The Escape Plan

Post 743

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

um, if you look on our main page we have a few more recruits!
smiley - reindeer

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