This is a Journal entry by Kaz

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 41


I was reviewing it for the promoter again, and because I'm a volunteer, basically I get free tickets to stuff I review-it's his way of paying me. It's good fun, and good experience.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 42


you jammy person!! Not fair. Do your people have a branch over here I can do stuff for??

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 43


No, 'fraid not, they're only a local firm! But like I said, I'm only a volunteer so it's not like a full time thing. You know, it's a few gigs here and there but nothing major-they're only small gigs anyway.

Although I did see Elbow last week at Portsmouth Guildhall (nothing to do with reviewing this time) and they were excellent, but I didn't really take it in very well. It was on a Tuesday. I was cream-crackered because I've just started a new job that has a hefty commute attached and I also had a cold. smiley - sadface so not a brilliant combo, but never mind. I'd recommend Elbow as a live band though. I don't know if they're playing Belfast at all.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 44


Sounds like Wednesday morning was fun for you! At least you enjoyed the band.

Not sure that I'm familiar with them, but I'll keep an eye out.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 45


They played Glastonbury this year. (did I say that before?)

Yeah I was absolutely whacked on wednesday morning zzzzzzzzz...............

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 46


Hate it when you have to get up for work or whatever and you're shattered. And then the day you *can* lie in is the day you wake up at 8am.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 47


Yeah. I've been doing that a lot recently. Keep waking up at 6.45 (the time I usually get up) on my day off! urrrgggh! smiley - erm

How are you? you've been away for a bit.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 48


Sorry for not being on so much. Work and things kinda took over for a bit, and then when I was off I was shattered.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 49


know how you feel. I've taken some time off over Christmas, but ended up taking time off before anyway-got struck down with this nasty cold/flu thing-yuk..! hopefully on the mend soon though. Feeling a bit better today

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 50


Work can kinda take over at times, doesn't it. I'm shattered too. Need another holiday...

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 51


Me too.

Crazy isn't it-I've just looked at that last post, and I have yet another cold now. Yuk.

Nice huh? Never mind. Been drinking enough smiley - tea to sink a battleship at the moment!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 52


Oooo. I always get kinda sick of smiley - tea when I have the cold. I like it to be hot and strong enough and not too milky but it never tastes right and I get fed up with too much of it.

Hope you feel better soon.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 53


Thanks. Slowly on the mend. Sore throat is easing thank goodness. I know what you mean about the smiley - tea. Been drinking hot ribena instead as I do get fed up with tea when I've got a cold, and coffee just doesn't work does it?

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 54


smiley - yuksmiley - coffee Hateful stuff.

I remember it was great to have lost your voice at school as the teachers left you alone.

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