This is a Journal entry by Kaz

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 21


yeah I think KT Tunstall uses them a lot. She said that black horse and the cherry tree was just her learning how best to use the loop pedal. Makes it sound really complicated.

Ooh, by the way. I have to tell you this because I'm so ludicrously chuffed about it, and I'm not meaning to boast, but I've just spent a month learning when a Knight Won His Spurs on guitar, with the help of a very brilliant guitar teacher. I can now play it reasonably well so have been doing mental smiley - somersaults for ages! Yippee! smiley - biggrin

Obviously nowhere near as good as Mr. Simpson but I'm still chuffed.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 22


Well you're getting there! Well done!!!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 23


thanks! smiley - smiley

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 24


Once you get it recorded, you have to put it onto iTunes or something for s to hear.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 25


smiley - rofl well I wondered about sticking it on youtube, but I haven't quite got used to singing as well as playing it yet...

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 26


Ooooo. Sounds like fun. Though maybe you could record the guitar and vocals seperately and put them together? Though wouldn't work if you were sitting in front of the camera to play and sing at the same time. Put on a link if you do get it on though.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 27


okey dokey. I'll have a think about it. Still haven't found a comfortable key to sing it in, which is a bit pants so probably just be instrumental if I do put it on there, plus I can't stand the sound of my voice when it's recorded. It gets on my nerves

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 28


you could get a friend to sing it??

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 29


Yeah I guess, so long as they didn't think it was "deeply uncool" to be singing a hymn
Most of my friends don't like the same music as me...

Well I'll see how it goes anyway. kind of music with bits and pieces at the mo but when I get a chance I might sit down and video it...

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 30


It could turn out to be kinda cool to do it though coz it's different to what others are doing.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 31


good point.

I thought I could always get my sister to sing on it. She has a good voice.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 32


Why not? Give yourselves a name and record lots of stuff.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 33


Did you know there was once a band called the Ferrets? smiley - rofl

Saw something on telly last night about bands from Manchester and they were mentioned. Good name!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 34


Not sure. Sounds like a job for google!!!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 35


Ooh guess what? The BBC folk proms stuff has finally turned up on youtube!
You can see them all now as well as listen smiley - biggrin !
Martin Simpson

Never Any Good
When A Knight...

This looks fun... smiley - smiley

Sloe Gin...
Roll Her Down The Bay...

Happy listening smiley - smiley Anyone who drums on a mug full of cutlery has got my vote!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 36


A mug full of cutlery!?!? Where on earth do you get an idea like that from??

Will sit and have a listen to those videos!! Thanks!!

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 37


the guy from bellowhead has a mug full of cutlery as part of his drum set- !
no probs hope you like them! smiley - smiley

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 38


Cutlrey!!! smiley - laugh

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 39


yup, cutlery. Mind you, I suppose it's just like an extension of playing the spoons.

Saw Martin Simpson live on Friday night. Was very good indeed.

BBC Proms Folk Day

Post 40


Suppose so. How *do* you play a spoon though??

Another live gig!! You're lucky!!!

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