This is a Journal entry by Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing


Post 1

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Hello to any person wandering through this space and a special hello to anyone I used to communicate with in the past. It's been something of a grim year since I last visited hootoo. My sister has struggled with ovarian cancer for almost an year now and at first it was touch and go after the operation. I wouldn't have given twopence for her chances in those first few months and she was nothing more than skin on bones.

It was a period when the old black dog of depression found me again so coping with my sister's illness meant gritting my teeth and soldiering on. There were some dark times, especially when one of the side effects of her chemo was severe anxiety. At one time she was understandably suicidal from this and I'm thankful that I was able to help her get the treatement and help she needed. I can still picture talking on her behalf to the doctor and feeling pretty stressed out myself. How on earth I came through it I don't know but we are stronger than we think.

So here we are about 11 months down the line and she is still on chemo and will be for the rest of her life. She amazes and humbles me with her strength and spirit. Even though this is a terminal illness, she faces each day with amazing cheerfulness and resolution. I know she has dark nights of the soul because she told me but she still soldiers on and miracles do happen. Her cancer cell count has come down dramatically so I pray that she does have a miracle.


Post 2

Candi - now 42!

Hi Mistadrong.

I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I'm glad you have been able to support and help her through her illness, she is lucky to have a brother like you.
smiley - rose

I am glad you posted here again, it is good to know you are still around.



Post 3

Crazy Man

Yeah mate. Tough times those must've been. smiley - sadface Best of luck for her future and that it'll be as bright as it can possibly be. smiley - rose


Post 4

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Thank you both for those kind sentiments.
smiley - vampire


Post 5

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - cuddle

It's good to see you here again. smiley - smiley

I'm sorry the past year wasn't good to you or your sister ... may this one be. smiley - hug


Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My father had bladder cancer five years ago, and they finally had to remove the entire bladder. My whole family was stressed out from almost daily trips to the hospital, plus caring for my mother (who would otherwise have been alone at home with no way to get around). My sister and her husband carried anti-anxiety pills (Xanax, to be exact) in case a panic attack came on. smiley - sadface

A couple years later, it was my mother who had big-time medical problems, culminating in a two-month stay in a convalescent home. Remarkably, both parents are back in their own home, and functioning as if none of this had ever happened.

Mistadrong, my new boss rebounded from a near-death experience from cancer (probably ovarian, though we don't now for sure, and don;t want to ask). I hope your sister can be one of the lucky survivors.
Keep that black dog of depression at bay. Being a caregiver is a heroic undertaking, and you deserve a big pat on the back for what you have been doing.

smiley - smiley


Post 7

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Oh my dear we've missed you horribly! I'm so sorry to hear what a difficult year you've had, and that your sister has suffered. I'll send you both all the good vibes I can muster when I meditate tonight, so don't be surprised if you get zapped later! smiley - smiley

It's really just wonderful hearing from you again. We figured something serious was going on. We have quite a great group here on h2g2, and if theres anything we can do, in the way of keeping your spirits up, or offering a soft shoulder - please don't hesitate to ask!

smiley - hug Mistadrong

smiley - rose

(ps... I knew you'd be coming back, I kept a candle lit at the bottom of my personal page for you! smiley - hug)


Post 8


I`d like to add my best wishes, Mistadrong, for your sister`s recovery, and for your way back to something like peace of mind.

I think that black dog has wandered through quite a few lives on hootoo. I know I`m often looking over my shoulder.

Anyway, nice to have you back....smiley - cheers


Post 9

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Gee, I'm seriously touched here. Thank you so much folks.
Both my parents died a few years ago, my mother's illness
was quite protracted and she just got worse and worse as
time passed by. My father had a short illness and died quickly
without any pain or suffering, I think he just missed my mother
too much.
The thing I found hardest to deal with when after my sister had
her operation was seeing her so thin and emaciated. It was like
seeing my mother when she was close to the end.
You want to hear crazy?
There's a kind of humour to the situation and it always made
me smile at the time. My sister could barely walk but she used to
drag herself and her drip down the lift and out to the bus shelter.
There she would be with the other cancer sufferers having a
cigarette. All of them in dressing gowns and with a cold wind
whipping through the shelter.

Funny but my meditations have been better lately. I must have
Michele to thank for the positive vibes.
smiley - vampire


Post 10

Yael Smith

Hey, Mistadrong.
What can I say? Life seems to be "kind" to the lot of us - either recently or a bit back... I hope you and your sister feel better.
I won't repeat the sentiments expressed here as to not bore anyone, I'll just say I'm happy to have you around again.
smiley - hugElly

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