This is a Journal entry by EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 661

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Why don't we get a new HQ? The one we're in belongs to the regulators. I suggest a junkyard or something. Also, Why don't we have a page on the UD wiki website? It'd be very official. I'm not volunteering for it tho. I LOVE free running.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 662

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

We do have a wiki page.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 663

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Yay! You're back! Feeling better? Can you link me there without coughing/sneezing all over your screen?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 664

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 665

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

I still could find neither pistol nor gun nor anything else of the kind.smiley - erm

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 666

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

So why don't we get a better hq?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 667

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

If you can, just move into the train station next door.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 668

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

I have a fuel can! What now?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 669

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

You can use it to run a generator.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 670

Blmg - Heru en Morlond

try fuleing up the generator in 'the bank', smiley - ermthat is if you have free running...smiley - smiley

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 671

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Or not. A running generator attracts zombies. The only place a generator is needed is a hospital or a buildingwith a cell phone tower.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 672


Do what EC says, he normally thinks he knows what he is talking about.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 673

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Someone better praise the diary feature or I'm going to stab Anole. In the sternum.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 674


its very very good smiley - smiley

now please dont stab Anole. More fun giving him wedgies.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 675

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - rofl

yes, good diary, maybe I can force myself to write something, too

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 676

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Do dragons wear pants?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 677

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Depends on wether they wear trousers.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 678

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 679

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Or skirts, maybe it's the same with them... maybe they even prefer skirts, because then they need no extra hole for the tail.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 680


I prefer trousers to be honest....

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