This is a Journal entry by EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 481


Friendly_target... I didn't see you at the revive point earlier today, and I didn't see Kitush. I did however see TB_Falsename and I revived him. I have all the H2G2 members on my contacts list so in the event they die I can see them. I also have you on my contacts list, friendly_target. Anyhoo, this Nazi/white supremecist reason for killing people is pure bull. In fact it's getting out of control. I've been talking to evl_kitty about all this bull for a good part of the afternoon. Anyhoo, on with the game. We will be out to revive people ASAP.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 482


Thank you!
smiley - biggrin

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 483

Evl Kitty sneaking about

You guys I am so sorry you got hit...we are not is unfortunate that one person in the malton confed has ruined it for everyone. We are removing our selfs from the confed and hopefully no one will pked for being a nazi. Hopefully you will still want to be in alliance with the Regulators the group itself is not a confed group. and the few of who are members are withdrawing ourselfs we dont want to be attached to that kind of stuff.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 484


TB, I'll add your character to mine's contacts, it may be of some help. What's furthermore, they say you can in-game "text" other players character to character if each has the other as a contact and has the mobile phone item... as long as it is "within range."

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 485

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Shame on me smiley - sadface and I've only got one syringe.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 486


Dustman's ID =
smiley - huh I've been "Out of it" a little, so if I seem out of the loop a bit, well... smiley - doh/*Shrug*

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 487

Friendly Target

we are at the Abarrow Monument. I have a syringe.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 488


I got "killed' again, Do I have your character's ID on my contacts? I'll double check...

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 489


Yep, it says I do.
Time to "wreck shop" soon enough, I suspect...
smiley - skull/smiley - winkeye

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 490

Friendly Target

I revived kitush

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 491

Evl Kitty sneaking about

I have let everyone know you guys need to be revived I have another needle but not enough ap I will be back to help you though.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 492


Are there many of these white supremacists around? smiley - erm

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 493

Friendly Target


Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 494


thenutcracker is in the NecroTech building at the moment, so he's still around. smiley - erm

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 495


Oops, simulpost, sorry.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 496

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I'm adding the RA and Dartside Whiners to my contact list so if I come across one I can revive. If thats alright with you anyway.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 497

Friendly Target

thenutcracker have "nazi-hunter" as a group. By ignorance or on purpose some players are attaking Confederacy members claiming they are nazi.

This is due to the fact that one (or the) founding member of the Malton Confederacy was arrested in december after having participated in a racist march. So all the members of the confederacy are now considered racist and fair game. The enormous majority of the members on the several groups who are in the confederacy didn't knew about the OOG life of the guy or even his belief. But this do not matter to the people who have slander us

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 498


Thanks, I hadn't realised that. So much for games being an escape from reality. smiley - erm

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 499

Friendly Target

It one is a escape from reality! Im a nazi on it! It's like a reward for playing this game for 6 months. I'm so depressed...smiley - wah

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 500

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - ermsmiley - hugsmiley - cheerupsmiley - choc

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