This is a Journal entry by EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 441

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Necro Tech

Where are you right now?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 442

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Witchell Road. Umm, when Aurora comes by, could you please thank her/him for me?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 443

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Ah, ok, you should get in through the Schalch Hotel. Do you have free running?

Of course, but I'm sure Aurora will read the few osts of blog.smiley - smiley

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 444

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

I have found no "Necro Tech Building". Where is it? Are you SURE that's the right name???

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 445

Friendly Target

there's a map:
they are talking about the Bagnall Building [36, 83]

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 446

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

It's in the map as Bagnall Building. Sorry. NT bilding is just what it is.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 447

Friendly Target

give me your profile and tell me when you are outside the NT. I'll revive you

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 448

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum
I'm in the hotel next to it. None these guys seem like hootooers.
*goes to bagnall building* *Sees nobody who seems even remotely hootoo-ish**finds DNA extractor.*

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 449

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Where are you guys? Dead?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 450

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I'm in the train station thing.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 451

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Bowerman Grove?

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 452

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I don't think so. Its next to Bagnall.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 453

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

I'm there, too.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 454

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Ah. Pollet Street, then.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 455

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

Need to clear some barricades then.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 456

Friendly Target

dont clear any barricades! dont go to Pollet: the building has been extremely heavily barricaded so you won't enter. You can stay where you are or come to the NT. you can search for syringes...

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 457

Friendly Target

in your profile put under group: The Evil Army of H2G2
as everyboby...

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 458

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum


Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 459

Friendly Target

I gave you all my faks. you are one your own, I dont have any more AP. the NT building is a higth risk location, but you probably dont have AP to go somewhere else. To level up you can do only 2 things in you current status: heal people or revive them. you have 2 revive points in front of the NT. Each revive will cost you 10AP. some zombies have brainrot, they cannot be revived.

Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

Post 460

Malcolm, Colin's Wired Weird Twin [Twice Removed]- {Deus} of Inner Voices {et} A[Not]KA HomicidusInfirmorum

I don't have the revive skill. Just Basic Firearms Training. My guy suck. I guess I could go zombie hunting. I have 12 APs left. Does anyone know where ammo can be found?

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Urban Dead - Slander and assualt!

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