This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Well, just got back from the podiatrist. Remember that torn peroneal tendon? Well, here's the problem. The physical therapy, etc hasn't worked, so now, in two weeks, they're doing surgery. They're going to scope it out with an orthoscope, and then sew up the tendon.

I'm not happy about this at all, folks. Not happy at all.

I'm not happy about the anesthesia, or the loss of income (no work for at least 4 weeks), or, frankly, the necessity of having surgery. I don't know what the heck to do about all of this.

I'm scared and mad and just want to scream.


Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 2

Seth of Rabi

Ouch !!

smiley - hug

(I don't think there's an easy option with peroneal injury is there ?)

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 3


smiley - hug

I know the thought of surgery is smiley - yikes but it will be better in the long term.

Could you use the enforced rest to advantage by getting ahead on some writing?

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 4

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Ouch. that sort of injury often can only be resolved via surgery unfortunately. Any tendon injury is nasty however. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 5


MR what would happen if you don't do surgery? would your injury get worse or would it stay the same? If it would stay the same can you live with the amount that it impacts on your life at the moment until you can afford to take the time off work?

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 6


Sorry what I should have added is perhaps you should discusses these with your doctor, if you haven't already. If you're scared of a general anaesthetic have you asked if their is an opition to have it performed under a spinal anesthetic?

I don't know you're medical situation - obviously...

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 7

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Most of the orthopedic surgery, here, is done with epidural anesthetic. I don't "do" general anesthetic very well and always get violently ill afterwards. My doctor has decided that the next time a procedure I have to have on a regular basis will be with epidural.

The last time I was in to the day surgery to have this done, 5 minutes before they were going to do the procedure, they said "Oh, and we can do this with epidural, if you want." Had I been given the option earlier, say, when I was in to the doctor when we discussed the surgery, I would have taken it.

In the event, I declined it. It took me the usual 2 hours, after waking up, to stop barfing. Meanwhile, other were awake, the epidural worn off, and they were out the door in about 1/2 hour.

I really hope I don't have to have the surgery again, but if I do, it will be with the epidural.

There are possible side-effects, but they are fewer than with a general anesthetic. When you consider the number of women who have epidurals for childbirth (probably too many, as it is practically de rigeur, here in North America) without incident, it seems to be a good option.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 8


Oh crikey. Not fun. But don't panic MR. If it has to be done 'twere best done quickly...

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 9

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

It's not as deep as, say, abdominal surgery, but it's just the whole loss of control issue. I asked about doing an epidural, and he explained that an epidural for this kind of surgery is just too risky, because if I move my upper body, it might move my foot and screw something up big. He's like me, a control freak, so he's all good.

And Z, it's a strange cycle of on again, off again pain, but the on again part gets worse each time it occurs, so no, not doing the surgery is not an option. Right now I can't walk. That isn't good.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 10

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I don't understand that. They do it all the time, here.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 11

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

And I really wish I was in Canada. Because I really am a huge control freak. I hate the idea of going under...

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 12


MR I have to admit I've seen larger operations done here under a spinal anaeshetic, but that was in cases where the patient wasn't fit for a GA.That said if the surgeon isn't comfortable with it then it's probably not good to push him.

I commented the first time I saw a large operation done under a spinal anaestic that there was no way I would ever let a surgeon anywhere near me unless I was under GA! Do you really want to be awake when someones operated on your anyway?

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 13


Best of luck to you, MR ! I'll be praying for you... How did the injury happen ?

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 14

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

A couple of years ago, I was in a hurry and went out to my car. My shoe hit the tire, and my foot went the other way. The sprain apparently was bad enough to cause permanent damage, including this torn tendon.

i know, I know.

Um, I was set upon by a marauding gang of crusaders?

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 15

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

My ex, then in the Canadian Military, was taking his unit's first hand-to-hand combat training. The very first demonstration of the very first class, the instructor asked for a volunteer whilst pointing at my ex. He came forward, the instructor locked legs with him in order to trow him, flipped him, and ripped all the tendons in his right knee.

This was back in the days of a mediaeval torture technique called "surgery" had to have work done on his knee. The result was a scar that went from 4" above the knee to 4" below the knee in a semi-circle and very little sensation below the scar. Now, of course, they do micro-surgery and there would be little pain and no scarring.

Instead, he had several weeks of recovery in the military hospital, which is really not very different from basic training. The first day that he could get out of bed, he had to be fully dressed and clean the room, which included washing his own floor. All while he was in extreme pain, and with a cast that went from the top of his thigh to mid-shin.

When he came onto the floor after surgery, he was out of his mind with pain and the other patients begged the nurses to give him more pain killers. "Oh, no, we have given him enough."

"But he's obviously still in pain. You have to give him more."

"But then he'd be all "hopped up" on painkillers!!" the nurse said with incredulity in her voice.

God forbid!

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 16

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I have a friend of mine who had a bum knee, and she went to the Mayo Clinic. The doctor was showing his medical patients her knee, and pushed it the wrong way. She ended up having surgery...and his only response was to tell the med students that they should never do what he had just done.

I've decided to get a second opinion. I think there's something else going on. This time, it only hurt for 4 days. And it was warm to the touch, which says infection or inflammation, not a tear.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 17


I suppose this is the wrong place to discuss a show I watched on the Discovery Health Channel..."When Anesthesia Fails". smiley - tongueout

I could only watch 10 minutes of it before fleeing the room in horror. It was the eye surgery story that got to me.

Control Freaks Don't Do Surgery

Post 18


Really sorry to hear about the torn tendon M. Sounds very painful, don't we take things like knees and elbows for granted, until something happens and all of a sudden they don't work properly any more?

If there is anything constructive you can take from the whole affair, try using the 4 weeks rest to revise your paper, and just get some lazy time to yourself and the Weed. I think you could probably use a break anyway. As for the loss of income, you'll manage through it, we cope when we have to.

On a brighter note, if you were living through the period you are studying they'd probably have cut your leg off! Isn't science wonderful!

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