This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

Today's been full of near misses.

I was woken up around 8.00 by a huge crash. More than a square metre of the ceiling had come down and fallen directly on the bed - in the spare room, which for the first time in three months isn't being occupied by a guest...

Since I was already up, and so was my heartrate, I then went out to my friend's place to ride his horses. We went for a hack in the forest. I was on Charlie, who's normally very sensible, but he's also only three, so when a wild golfer suddenly jumped out of the trees, he nearly jumped off the embankment backward.

We did manage to get both me and the horse calmed down enough again to continue into the woods braving puddles, scrambling up banks, that kind of thing. And then we had a few jumps over a little branch, then a few fallen logs - nothing more than about a 40cm high, just to give him the idea. Unfortunately, he got the idea, and went charging straight for a snapped-off tree about 180cm off the ground. Got him turned in time, but I think the silly thing might have tried it! smiley - doh

My flatmate wants me to go to the Irish dancing class with her in an hour, but I'm not sure I'll survive the experience, if the rest of today is anything to go by smiley - erm

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 2

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

sounds like a very busy day
smiley - erm you haven't broken a mirror or anything have you? smiley - winkeye

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 3

Milla, h2g2 Operations

That black cat that crossed the motorway before me this morning - was she heading your way?
smiley - towel

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Good grief, that sounds scary! Glad you weren't harmed.

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 5

loonycat - run out of fizz

Wild golfer sounds smiley - yikessmiley - towel

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 6


That ceiling sounds quite concerning. Has your landlord been to ascertain the problem yet?

smiley - fairy

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 7

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

I know what you mean about the ceiling thing

A couple of years ago, when in my old house, about the same amount of ceiling collapsed about 3m away from me

We found out that it had been a trial construction from a couple of decades ago, made almost entirely out of concrete - no wonder it didn't stay up

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

Not reached the landlord yet, but I've had a look, and it seems pretty obvious what happened. There was a damp patch once, presumably because of a missing roof tile. A large section of the original plaster was removed, and then replaced with cement smiley - rolleyes That section gave way nearly completely.

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 9


Cement?? Jeepers.

smiley - fairy

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 10

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Cement? How heavy was this ceiling? And have yo had the rest of the house checked?

TRiG.smiley - yikes

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 11

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - headhurts Just been clearing out the rubble - and everything else. A lot of soot fell out of the rafters - it's an old house - so we have to throw away all the bedding and even the mattress from that room. It's almost like we had a fire.

At least we have a really good landlord smiley - bigeyes He's the type of guy we invite round for dinner anyway. He's taking out the entire ceiling in that room, and having it professionally re-plastered, rather than just patching up that bit.

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 12

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

He must be hungry smiley - winkeye

Good to hear smiley - ok

Quiet Sundays will be the death of me yet...

Post 13


I'm glad your landlord is a good one - there are far too many feckless ones about.

I hope the rest of your week is going better!

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