This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Visions of the Future

Post 21


I must think on this further, Mal, and try very hard not to be smiley - silly

Yep, just set myself up for failuresmiley - sadface

Visions of the Future

Post 22


BTW a good deal of my "guests" come from Torquaysmiley - erm Having said that, every major town has it's *cough* problems. We havwe a great University here in Exeter, with a superb Modern Languages section the head of which is a very good friend - I do have somesmiley - winkeye

None-the-less, I'm sure you don't want to do the Uni thing anymore, however it is a fatastically multi-cultural city. I may even be co-erced into showing you around my place of work.smiley - cheerup Very few people, aside from the naughty Jock's and Scouser's from Torquay get to se behind these walls across the railway from the Rougemountsmiley - cool

Visions of the Future

Post 23

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm afraid the UK is too expensive tuition-wise smiley - yikes

(And I've *been* to Torquay, Rich! smiley - bigeyes)

Visions of the Future

Post 24


I'm all for the Netherlands - easiest to bring the dog for a visit there... smiley - dogsmiley - ok

Visions of the Future

Post 25

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, right. Your convenience is paramount smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

Visions of the Future

Post 26

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm sure you will make the correct decision, Mala smiley - hug

Visions of the Future

Post 27


This is all about the dog's convenience, which is even more important, naturally... smiley - smiley

Visions of the Future

Post 28


My suggestion is:

Visions of the Future

Post 29

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl yes, go to EE, learn to make spotted dog, and buy fur coats smiley - whistle learn to speak EEKspeak smiley - biggrin with 14 cases, not the meagre four that German language has smiley - smiley

and furthermore, for the real Estonians there's
1. Kalev chocolate
2. Verivorst
3. You are nationalistic about Skype
4. You are convinced that Estonia is very strategically located, the rest of the world cannot find it on the map (it's located in Northern Europe close to Finland).
5. You can pronounce "veoauto", "täieõiguslik" and "jäääär".
6. You think that wife-carrying is a real sport.
7. You don't think that terviseks is a funny word.
8. You can happily ignore the gender in other languages.
9. You can explain that a civilised language should have at least 14 cases.
10. You think that any beverage below 20% is non-alcoholic.

smiley - whistle I seem to visit the EE capital a few times per year smiley - whistle I can bring brown sugar smiley - whistle

winters are cold.. really cold.. some people say mammoths still live in the far depths of EE but I don't believe that smiley - biggrin

Visions of the Future

Post 30


smiley - tomato

Visions of the Future

Post 31

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

definitely denmark, mala smiley - ok

next question? smiley - whistle

seriously though, if you go to copenhagen you will be able to study where people like utzon (sydney opera) and von spreckelsen (grand arche, paris) learned the trade

health care is free (more or less) and - well - we'd love to have you smiley - hug

and we have an airport from where you can fly to düsseldorf. i am living proof of that smiley - biggrin so you may even be able to fly to yarreau - and vice versa

smiley - pirate

Visions of the Future

Post 32


Eeeek! I live nowhere near Düsseldorf - there isn't a city in this world that I hate more! I finally managed to get away from there... but luckily, there are flights to Hannover as well, and it's not even all that far to get to Denmark by car from here. smiley - ok

Visions of the Future

Post 33

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you are welcome to stop over for a cup of smiley - tea. i live right on the way (well, almost anyway)

smiley - pirate

Visions of the Future

Post 34

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, I suppose I should be relieved that you're not all recommending places as far as possible from where you live... smiley - winkeye

Visions of the Future

Post 35

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Yes, the only thing stopping me from inviting you to come to U of Chicago is the hassle involved in getting your stuff here. smiley - winkeye

Visions of the Future

Post 36


And a meatball? smiley - winkeye

Visions of the Future

Post 37


Well, I *would* have given a sales pitch, but then I decided to leave that to the tourist board and look at the criteria you actually listed instead. smiley - biggrin

Visions of the Future

Post 38

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - rofl of course you can have a meatball, yarreau. anyway you like. mustard, smiley - tomato, , smiley - tea, smiley - coffee etc.

smiley - pirate

Visions of the Future

Post 39


If Mala should ever move to Denmark, I promise I'll take you up on it! smiley - cool

Visions of the Future

Post 40

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - smiley oh smiley - smiley unfortunately I don't have ten reasons to be Danish .. like the ten reasons to be Estonian..

smiley - whistle .. Maastricht University? in Netherlands?? smiley - biggrin Netherlands?? smiley - rofl
1. You can get arrested for growing plants, but not for smoking them.
2. You can make jokes about the Belgians and still drink their beer.
smiley - spacea. You can legally kill yourself
smiley - spaceb. You can legally be killed
4. You're exactly like the Germans, except that nobody hates you.
5. You think you are a world power, but everyone else thinks Copenhagen is your capital.....
6. You get to insult people and defend yourself by saying it's a national tradition.
7. You can put your finger in a dyke and it will save your country
8. You live in the most densely populated country in Europe, and still you've never seen your neighbours.
9. If the economy is bad, blame the Germans. If a war is started, blame the Germans. If you lose your keys, blame the Germans.
10. Bikes are public property. Locks are a challenge.

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