This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

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Post 101


"and they allege no one has a sense of humour in Germany"

- now, that's the greatest joke of all! smiley - cool

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Post 102

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you tell'em, girlie smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

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Post 103


"...but he's always welcome to come admire mine!"

Very civil of you Yarreau! And let me congratulate you. It takes a special kind of mind to realise that there is nothing remotely odd in travelling half-way across Europe to look at a big heap of dung! smiley - ok

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Post 104


Not dung, just compost - the dung heap belongs to the neighbours. But I am certain that we could arrange something... a little guided tour perhaps... just to make it worth your while...

About the mind... you know what I raised. I rest my case. smiley - weird

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Post 105

Malabarista - now with added pony

See? I never had a chance! smiley - tongueout

But we could change the not having a dung heap thing... smiley - whistlesmiley - ponysmiley - pony

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Post 106

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, instead of buying another smiley - dog, you could keep a smiley - pony, KB. smiley - ok

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Post 107


Oh, I think you could have done a lot worse Y. smiley - ok

I'd have to bring a bag of potatoes for a comparitive taste test though since they seem so popular in your neck of the woods!

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Post 108


Actually, the tatties aren't half bad, but the locals like to eat them with a big lump of raw ground pork - now that's where I draw the line.

But I see that Mala must have told you all about our local mascot... smiley - donut (sorry, due to a limited choice of smileys I had to make do with a pink frosted potato)

But isn't it time we returned to ClockTrotter? Should we discuss where the author got the idea for Imogen's amazing hair?

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Post 109


Yes...I think I could skip the raw ground pork. Unless it's a sausage - then it's covered by the ask-no-questions policy.

You raise an interesting question. Imogen's hair is clearly symbolic or metaphorical. Nobody really has hair like that, do they? smiley - run

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Post 110

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, right, you've not met Yarreau smiley - winkeye

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Post 111

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

it's getting curiousser and curiousser smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

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Post 112


Hey, no fair! I admit that a certain person inherited a certain trait from a certain other person, but the aforementioned person's trait is a lot more so than the corresponding trait of the person she inherited it from! smiley - headhurts

As to Imogen, I find her hair a rather unnatural colour. It's red, for crying out loud! smiley - run

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Post 113

Malabarista - now with added pony

Leave my brains out of this! smiley - winkeye

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Post 114


Actually, I was talking about your audacity... smiley - evilgrin

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Post 115


Exactly - it's red! Did you think I meant something else? smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - whistle

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Post 116

Malabarista - now with added pony

You wouldn't dare smiley - winkeye

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Post 117


Hmmmm...yes, you're right, I probably wouldn't.

Certainly not when there's two of you. smiley - winkeye

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Post 118

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

probably a wise decision, if i may say so, your majesty smiley - whistle

but then i haven't met Y either, so...

smiley - pirate

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Post 119


I'm the harmless one. Little old lady type, very prim, very proper. smiley - seniorsmiley - evilgrin

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Post 120

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - rofl nice try, but you don't fool me, lady. i've seen (and felt) what lillte old ladies can do with a smiley - handbagsmiley - injured

smiley - pirate

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