This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

IN WHICH our heroes encounter nice people and a Real Grump.

We slept in today - yesterday, they started putting in new windows at 7.30 in the morning, but today, they didn't - or they were quiet about it, at least. smiley - sleepy

By the time breakfast was done, it was about noon, and I looked up how to get to the museum. Next train left at one - we packed our bags with raincoats, cameras, water, cake, and grapes, and still made it in plenty of time, despite Tav's dire predictions.

Unfortunately, the connecting train was late and so we *just* missed the bus we were meant to take. smiley - bussmiley - groan The very complex timetable - two busses going opposite directions listed in the same one, with no telling which was which! - didn't tell us much except that we'd have to wait an hour for the next one. We were just debating whether to just walk it when our bus showed up after all - it was late, too! smiley - magic

I checked the timetable quickly to make sure and we dived in just as the doors were closing. smiley - puff Walked forward to ask the driver whether it was indeed a bus going where we needed to go - and he just sneered and said "What does it say on the front of the bus? *I'm* not going to tell you. And anyway, when I close the doors, I close the doors, and you stay out!" smiley - steamsmiley - grr

A lot of people on the bus were indignant, and one helpful gentleman not only told us this was the right bus, but also warned us when our stop was coming up, as the display was only showing adverts. smiley - cross

We found the museum, paid our 5€, and went in.

Now, the Museum Insel Hombroich is a very interesting concept - a vast landscaped garden (though it doesn't look landscaped, for the most part - it mostly consists of the plants you'd find there anyway, growing wild and unmowed) dotted with small ponds and watercourses, outdoor sculptures, and various small buildings.

The buildings house art exhibitions, and were all designed by a sculptor along common lines. They're very simple, made of red brick on the outside, whitewashed inside, and have high wooden doors and plain glass walls or roofs - opaque or clear - to let in light. The gardens around the buildings usually take on a more 'deliberate' look, with high, straight hedges, stands of trees, or narrow paths to hide them from view. Inside, there are art exhibits on display - from very different times, cultures, and artists, roughly sorted by theme, but all mixed, and all uncredited! smiley - artist

Roughly in the centre, there's an even more important building - the cafeteria, which has toilets and a free café! There are also a few smaller pavillions, usually with a single sculpture and a bench as a kind of chapel - the Buddhas, especially, were bedecked with fresh flowers. smiley - peacedove

We had a good long wander around - mostly alone, it being a weekday outside the school holidays, but sometimes interrupted by one of the two rather large groups being led around. It was fairly cloudy, but we didn't get rained on once! I wanted to just follow paths at random, but Tav was all boring and made us use the map. smiley - tongueout

Finally, we were heading back past a long, low wooden building with green shutters, surrounded by huge iron sculptures, mostly of armoured knights. There were raised voices, and out of curiosity, I went to look. smiley - bigeyes The artist who lives and works there (a man known as Anatol) was talking to a friend - they were trying to find out what was wrong with his mobile, and asked me for help. smiley - senior I figured out his problem - he'd set it so that it rerouted all his calls to voice mail. Also reset his ring tone to what he wanted - a normal, old-fashioned phone. Just as we were done, someone called him, and it worked! smiley - boing

He said he wanted to give me something for a reward, he'd be right back. He'd asked me what I'm studying (assumed I was a student, I don't know why) and I'd told him it was architecture. So he presented me with one of his paintings smiley - wow a watercolour sketch done for a mural that was entitled "die Baumeister" - the master builders. He also explained his artistic philosophy, and then told us, rather at length, how he'd been asked to teach at my Uni but had later been turned down for being too left-wing, though he had reintroduced the painting of nudes because "nobody knows what an arse looks like anymore". smiley - rofl

We made it back to the entrance just *after* our bus left and spent half an hour waiting for the next one. Perhaps to compensate, the driver of this one was very nice indeed, and even flagged down our connecting bus so it would wait for us. smiley - biggrin

Headed back to downtown Neuss, looked at the site where I'm designing my current project, then returned to Wupp. Discovered that no Chinese takeaway places are open after eight on a Tuesday night, so got pizza instead. And now, here we are...

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 2

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - yawn I'm sleepy now.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 3


The wonders of modern technology! If that old boy knew how to work his mobile, you might never have got talking to him. smiley - biggrin
Sounds like a good day, despite the bus driver...

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 4

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - cheers and to a fab day ... And then, if you don't mind, a bye-bye as I have nothing else to offer to the conversation ... smiley - smiley

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Wow, sounds like a great day. all in all. smiley - magic

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

Photos will go up at some point, so we can persuade everyone to do the next Meet there smiley - winkeye

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Congrats for a good day and a good Journal!

And I'm game for a Meet anywhere, work and gigs permitting smiley - sadface

Oh! And I guess a bit of smiley - 2cents as well! smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers


smiley - musicalnote

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Sounds like more fun than the Barnes Museum in Philadelphia, anyway, although you would probably meet more grumpy people in that neighbourhood.smiley - winkeye

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 9


Seems to be a place worth visiting (not today though and not in the next days, with rain ahead)

I'll be careful when talking to bus drivers though

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh I'm sure there are grumpy people everywhere, even among bus drivers. But it was just such a contrast!

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 11


ooh, who's a lucky person then? Is there a piccy of the piccy coming as well?

Sounds like a cool place. When you say artist who lives there - he actually lives in the museum?

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 12

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oh, that sounds like a fun day! smiley - wow

Especially that you got to talk to the artist and he gave you that painting.

Can't wait to see the photos!!

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 13

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, we took a piccy of the piccy, albeit a small one - I'm not allowed to sell it or put it on my website. smiley - laugh

And yeah, he lives at the museum, apparently smiley - bigeyes There's an entire colony of artists across the road in the old NATO rocket launch site.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 14


smiley - coolsmiley - smiley Shame you can't promote the piccy though.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 15

Sho - employed again!

when you said "mobile" I was thinking of something that hangs from the ceiling!

I'm such a German!

That Museuminsel sounds great - I've been meaning to go for ages.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 16

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

the thing with life is that you get all sorts of people. Although this is great in that things are never boring you do wish that people wouldn't stress you out too.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 17

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, I can put it online in a web album, I suppose, at low resolution...

The story of his house is interesting, too, but that's going in the entry. smiley - whistle

Today was *interesting*, too, but much less nice.

The doorbell rang at tenish, when Tav and I were both awake, but not much beyond that... I wasn't even dressed yet, so asked Tav to get it. The construction workers who've been busy putting in new windows wanted to do my flat next, with no prior warning! (Officially, I'd never been told it would happen at all. Inofficially, it was supposed to be next week...)

The trouble is that to let them *get* at the windows, we had to dismantle my entire bed while it was still in its niche - it was that or take out the one wall! After breakfast, we fled, and came back to find that not only had they gotten *everything* filthy, broken the wall open (and spoiled the red paint) but that the one window now has a *smaller* opening than before, meaning much less light! smiley - doh Also, they used my bedsheet for a dropsheet when they were plastering smiley - cross got mortar all over my towels and carpets, and to top it all, the (grumpy, annoying, rude) man apparently can't hit a toilet-sized target properly. smiley - grr (At least I hope it wasn't his female colleague.) They returned my key, so I suppose *they* think they're done, though there are still gaping holes.

And worst of all, I just had to take Tav back to the airport where I found her! smiley - wah

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 18

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ugh, it's so awful when workers make a mess of the place. How utterly rude and unprofessional. I hope your landlord reimburses you for every penny required to repaint and replace your linens.


I still have a hole in my hallway wall (albeit a very small and relatively unnoticeable one) from when my furnace was replaced. That sort of thing really ticks me off. So I can imagine how angry I would be if I experienced what you have.

I'm sorry that this happened to you.

Once, I had a worker leave evidence behind in my toilet, so I know how gross it is when they trash your bathroom, too.

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 19

Malabarista - now with added pony

At least I had an opportunity to sweep under the bed smiley - winkeye

The Adventures of Tav and Mal at the Museum Insel Hombroich

Post 20

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ah, Mala, you're ever the optimist! smiley - biggrin

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