This is a Journal entry by A. Honeybadger


Post 1

A. Honeybadger

Not sure what bit me, but I think I need to smiley - zzz for a week or so.

If I'm not around, you know why.

smiley - sleepy


Post 2



Any further details to follow or will we all have to wait for a week or so?



Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I hope you won't be gone for a week! But if do decide to sleep that long, be sure to at least get up once a day to pee!


Post 4


There's nothing in the Brum area that could make you want to sleep for a week.

Details, Ancrene? Please?


Post 5

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

mmmmm... sleep sounds fun. But as it is Friday I really feel I should be drinking.


Post 6


What a coincidence! smiley - redwine



Post 7


I"m feeling exaaactly the same Ancrene, perhaps it IS something in the Brum air. I wonder what they have been pumping out in the dead of night again? smiley - zzzsmiley - sleepy

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 8

A. Honeybadger

Sorry all; figure of speech in this locality - "could sleep for a week" = weary to the bone and feeling as though a normal night's sleep would be insufficient to restore well-being.

Thanks all for your posts. I honestly don't know why that feeling 'bit' me yesterday, and although I did sleep far longer than normal I'm still feeling tired today. Weird. smiley - weird


Post 9


Change of season often affects people and other animals that way, Ancrene. My cats have wanted to eat and sleep even more this past week or so since the temperatures became noticably cooler. And I think I'm also feeling a bit more tired these days when I have to get up early during the week - part of that maybe has to do with it now being quite dark at 7am.



Post 10

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Change of season makes me sleepy, too. The days have been getting noticably shorter- mainly because it's darker out each morning when I leave the house. I slept for eleven hours last night myself, fell asleep a little after nine, and I had plans for last night, too. smiley - laugh

Glad to see you didn't need to sleep the whole week, though!

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