This is a Journal entry by Number Six

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 21

McKay The Disorganised

I thought Plymouth rode their luck on Saturday, but I wouldn't say they didn't deserve the win - at least 3 of our team were poor, or off their game.

smiley - cider

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 22

Number Six

There's a Yeovil fans website where a few people are being not particularly nice about me. It doesn't help that Kevin Cooper, who made his debut on Saturday on loan from Cardiff and had an average game at best, was quite inexplicably named in the League One team of the week. Someone's holding it up as an example of me not knowing what I'm talking about.

This report, on the other hand - - gave Cooper 6 out of 10, which makes him equal 8th best Yeovil player on the day, and joint 11th best player on the pitch. I'd say that was about right.

I'm pretty sure it's not the right thing to do to go on a fans website and argue with somebody who's been calling me names.

I should have realised - because of all the carping I've seen Plymouth fans do on our website - that the only people who are there to be 'shot at' more than the local media are people who work for the club. But I really wasn't expecting this kind of thing, and I'm not particularly well-equipped to handle it.

For 24 hours I was over the moon about finally having become a football commentator, and now I'm sick as a parrot.

smiley - mod

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 23

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Mate just ignore it. They dont know excrement from shinola.

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 24

Number Six

Thanks mate, much appreciated. I just had a text from a fellow local radio commentator (you can probably guess who) saying much the same thing. Feeling a bit better now.

smiley - mod

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 25

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If you put yourself up in front of the public in any way whatsoever you're going to come across opinionated, uninformed dickheads whose only joy in life is to criticise others for something they couldn't even do themselves but think they can. Ignore 'em.

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 26

Trout Montague

Do your own thing, Six. The reason you got the commentary gig is because the people who know what's required trust you to be good at it. Imagine if Stuart Hall took heed of the doubters. As Gosho says, ignore them. They know not their Arces from their Ballacks.

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 27

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Besides it happens all across the board. I know a pair of fans one man u one arsenal who are both convinced that Andy Gray has a bias against their team in favour of the other.

Just the way fans are.

I cannot remeber going to Argyle and not thinking the ref was crap, but I surely cannot be right.

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 28

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

You need a ringer - someone you know who signs up for the fan website and who you then use as a mouthpiece for your words smiley - tongueout Unless you just sign up under a nom de plume smiley - winkeye

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 29

McKay The Disorganised

As soon as you put the word 'supporter' into the scenario you've lost all objectivity - well most anyway.

Fans have their favourites about whom nothing can be said, and they have the players they love to slag off.

Current Coventry terget is Stephen Hughes - two seasons ago he was the Messiah re-born. There is neither rhyme nor reason to it - but when you dis agree......

Find a more objective website - I don't know Yeovil ones, but look at the difference between GaryMabbuttsKnee and Letsallsingtogther, two Coventry sites.

smiley - cider

Hopefully not lost for words...

Post 30

Number Six

Cheers people - I've since kept a weather eye on the site in question and the same people bitch about the same things all the time, so I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt now.

On the other hand, just before I went away I had a chat with Radio Bristol's sports editor - some of you might remember Geoff Twentyman from his playing days? - about how it went and he was very enthusiastic and said (for the second time) that it was a great debut.

So I've decided to believe him now, all things considered.

smiley - mod

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