This is a Journal entry by Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 61


He's a very nasty man smiley - sadface

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 62

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Hmm... the world is not a fun place is it...

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 63


It can be if you know the right people. Like RA, Greebo & I. Well, maybe not me...

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 64

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I know Greebo very well, and RA of course. Though I think he has gone forever.. *sigh*

I do like you, you are a very good friend...

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 65


RA hasn't gone forever (I'm his housemate, remember) he's just got exams. And he couldn't H2G2 before as he wasn't at uni. So you'll soon be surrounded by lots of loving friends, so you can be depressed with a smile on your face. smiley - smiley

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 66

Roasted Amoeba

RA is back! I've missed you Wilson Brown-Bear... All exams should be abolished, I think, and h2g2 put in their place... the world would be a much better world for it.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 67

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I think it would be a much better world if Teddy Bears where not supposed to be cute and cuddly...

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 68


Teddy bears are supposed to be loyal companions. Whether they are cute and/or cuddly at the same time is up to them.
Are you loyal, WbB?

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 69

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Of course I am loyal, I am very loyal indeed, not like some other Teddy Bears that I can mention... Grrrrr

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 70


That's what I thought. Who wants more than loyalty from a bear? Cute and cuddly bears are more likely to be up themselves and not appreciative - at least depressed ones need and appreciate you a lot more.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 71

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Are you saying I am depressed, everyone says that. I'm not you know, I may seem depressed, but deep inside I am happy in my own little sad world. I mean who could get depressed with a life like mine???
Grrr... Life, don't talk to me about life!!!

I'm not getting you down am I???

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 72


No, of course you're not getting me down. And as for calling you depressed, you don't seem to use the smiley - smiley a lot. Always smiley - sadface

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 73

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

It's just the way I am...

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 74


Is it the way you are, or the way you want to be?
You are not fixed in one way, but you can change and grow - like an Oak tree - and develop flowers, new branches etc, leave the winter and enter the summer.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 75

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I am a teddy bear, Grrrrr, teddy bears can't change, it's not in our nature, once we are made, that's it...

Life... Don't talk to me about life...

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 76


There is more to being a teddy than that. Otherwise, Woody would not have gone back to Andy.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 77

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I didn't know Woody was a Teddy Bear, but then i know nothing.. Grrrr... it's really not worth it you know!!

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 78


Woody is more a Teddy-Cowboy than a Teddy Bear, you know.
But he will be your Friend.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 79

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I quite like friends, they are good. You are my friend, I like you. Can I cuddle you when I smell better???

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 80


Of course - though I was under the view that normally people cuddle bears, and not the other way round.
And you'll just get on great with Buzz the Teddy Spaceman.

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