This is a Journal entry by Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 21

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

~Eyes going crossed~... doesn't that hurt????



Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 22

Jimi X

Only when it's done properly...
smiley - winkeye

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 23

Researcher 99947

Hello... I'd say I find Pooh to be the least likeable, followed by Piglet and Rabbit.... too friendly/stupid for my liking...

No, I too love Eeyore... another name my English teacher liked to call me... he doesn't have a positive outlook on things... he has an honest outlook on things... everything goes wrong for this bugger, and he should be a little down about it (2nd favorite? Gopher)

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 24


I suppose it all depends on the time and the place. Some people say that, if you are always depressed, you're bound to make things worse for yourself. But people also say that if the wind changes your face will stay like that, so who knows...

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 25

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

As a slightly depressed Teddy Bear, and utter Eyeore fan... ~ahhhh isn't he cute~, I'd just like to point out that things can never get worse...



Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 26


What if you're having the best time ever?

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 27

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Ahhh, having is in the past tense, so therefore if you have had the best time ever, it could not get worse as you have already had it!!! Life, don't talk to me about life... smiley - sadface



Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 28


Would you prefer to talk about Death?
Suicide is very popular at this time of year....

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 29

Researcher 99947

Hmm... exactly... especially for college students... first, having to deal w/ family at thanksgiving, then having finals, then x-mas, then having to find a date for new years, then having to be alone on valentines, then finals again- AGHHHHHHHHH!

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 30


Yep - so why not join my suicide club?

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 31

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

they say, Suicide is painless...


WbB smiley - sadface

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 32

Jimi X

No, no, no! You're thinking of that dentist from MAHS! smiley - winkeye

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 33


We don't want you to die, really. It wouldn't suit you.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 34

Jimi X

LOL! That should have been MASH!!

MAHS is the high school near where I work! (Middletown Area High School)
I think I'll go to bed now! smiley - winkeye

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 35


Good idea - I've often been tempted to forget sleep in favour of H2G2, but it'll never be a good idea.

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 36

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I had a good idea once, forgot what it was now!!!

smiley - sadface WbB

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 37


Perhaps it was to avoid forgetting?

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 38

Roasted Amoeba

Since I am a pessimistically cynical optimist, Eeyore is my favourite, closely followed by Pooh smiley - smiley

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 39


How come people always like characters in books or TV that they'd hate to have as friends in real life?

Who is this Pooh Bear?

Post 40

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I would love to have Eyeore as my friend, at least I would have a friend then...

smiley - sadface WbB

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