This is the Message Centre for Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4481

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Your point about the generation that lived in the 1940s is very valid, Ex-R, but I can't help but think about the previous education, the propaganda, and the media that helped to shape the minds of this country before WWII.

Today maybe I've learned to be more aware of our history and world history, but that has much to do with my college education. Our textbooks gloss over the crappy bits of our history, and we only seem to learn about other parts of the world if and when they directly effected us... And we have a really short history compared to others...

A lot of oversights cause Americans, I think, to close themselves up and lock themselves away from the rest of the world. "We have all this land, to hell with international trade... we'll be self-sufficient. We're the best."

We're just weird. Or maybe I am!??

My eyes have really opened in the past few years.

I still believe that your opinions are shaped by a certain age.... I dunno how to express this!!! I understand that everyone who lived through WWII will feel deep love/empathy/anger/what-have-you for their own nation's sacrifices...

But is it just me, or are the Yanks mostly stuck with their heads up their own--- Constitution...!!???

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4482

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Wow. Silence....

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4483

Crazy Man

::Somewhat confuzzled by recent postings...decides to blow up the backlog, so people can talk again::

Hi DFly, how are you?

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4484

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Thanks for asking... smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4485


Poor D! smiley - cuddle

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4486

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - yawn

smiley - catsmiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4487

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I think I can survive... I'll soon be on the bus home from school... YAY!!!

smiley - hug Crazy Man
smiley - hug Parrferris
smiley - hug Sgt

Hey.... do evil people get tired!?? Just... just a RANDOM question, you know... smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4488


Oh yes. It's all the wicked deeds they have to perform. Very tiring...smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4489

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - steam Yeah right!!!

What about evil Archangel-Musemothers!??? Not... not that any exist, that is... smiley - erm

See you laters, lovely researchers!!! Bye bye for now!!!

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4490

Crazy Man

"Evil musemothers don't exist."...of course, that's what they want you to think, but in actual reality...smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4491

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Dragonfly, earlier today it took 30 minutes
for me to get one post posted. A lot of
people have probably given up trying, which
would explain the "silence" that you mention.

As for the mistrust of foreigners, I think most
Americans would agree that America's enemies
consist mostly of people who weren't born here.
Of course, many of America's friends also weren't
born here. It's just that the fears start to outweigh
the optimism in stressful times. Those planes
that flew into the World Trade Center were not
piloted by Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4492


Yes, I've had trouble today too (and not just posting to h2g2, everything seems gummed-up).

Night Dragonfly smiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4493

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh good. I thought I got myself in trouble again... hee hee hee....

I AM NOT EVIL!!!! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - nahnah

smiley - hug Crazy Man
smiley - hug Pauly
smiley - hug Parrferris

Today I have finished my childish/cheesey Book Review. I must now make myself read for American Lit. Thankfully it is Toni Morrison and others, and I like Morrison. Including that Morrison from the DOORS...

Going to do homework,
We're gonna have a real...
smiley - geek time!!!

Yeah, woke up this morning,
I got some homework to do!!!
Woke up this morning,
Got some reading to do!!!
Well, the future's uncertain
Do be do do be do!!!

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4494

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

But, Dragonfly, the future's
*always* uncertain. Life wouldn't
be as much fun if you could
predict it. smiley - tongueout

And you don't need to remind
us that you are not evil. This is
your fan club, so those of us who
are here already know you aren't evil.
smiley - smiley

Except for those that *want* you
to be evil, and love you because
they think you're evil. smiley - sadface You just
broke their hearts. Fortunately,
there aren't many of them.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4495

Researcher 178815


It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4496

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

aka, did you know that


backwards is


smiley - tongueout

Also, stressed

backwards is


I would much rather think about desserts
than being stressed. smiley - smiley

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4497

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - laugh

smiley - hug aka

Oh yes.... last night the AVS WON!!! YAY!!!... and my guitar student who does not practice called to say she won't be home for her lesson. They are going to the Alan Jackson concert. Now, I'm only a mother on h2g2, but I know enough about this girl and her little sister(because my mom teaches the sister) to know that neither care at all for school, and put forth no effort. They just about always seem to be online(hey!!! I either see it when I'm at their house, or I hear it when I call them!!!), and my student CONVIENENTLY missed her guitar lesson last week, because she was downstairs on the computer.

I'm sorry, but I personally feel that these young girls, who do poorly in school because they put forth no effort, and do not practice for their lessons, should have the privledge of going to a concert. Especially on a school night.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4498

Crazy Man

I see....I bet you're a good teacher DFly ::smiley - hug because we all need one::

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4499

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - erm I meant to indicate that I don't think they have the right to go to the concert... smiley - erm

My parents took away my television(locked it up, put a lock over the outlet) when I did poorly in school. I think these parents need to cut off whatever it is that keeps their daughters from studying...

Oh well. I came around later in high school... herrrmmm.... when I was taking classes I wanted to take, ironically enough... smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

smiley - hug Crazy Man

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4500


Always online....?
Is that bad, then? smiley - winkeye

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