This is the Message Centre for Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4461


it would almost have to be a combination of all of those things, any one of them being the proverbial straw.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4462

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yes. How poopy!!! smiley - sadface

::hugs everybody here and takes a nap, probably still holding on to someone, as she is very tired!!!!::

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4463


smiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4464

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

WELL!!! My nap was three hours at least!!!! smiley - yikes

And the Avs lost... smiley - wah POOPY!!!

But my foot massager is nice...

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4465

Crazy Man

Well, at least your feet feel good, right?
smiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4466

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - musicalnoteI don't like Mondays...smiley - blue

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4467

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - hug
Hope y'all get to feeling better, Serg.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4468

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

..but it's Sunday Sgt.smiley - huh
smiley - vampire

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4469


i think this has been the first time i've ever logged off, come back twelve hours later and still been on the same led in d's fanclub.


smiley - hugd

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4470

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat was written about a school shooting in the 60s(? or 70s)...

smiley - catsmiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4471

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde that a good thing, broe!?? Am I to understand you will soon be an Archangel!??? smiley - wow

If that's a secret I never said a word!!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug Crazy Man
smiley - hug Sgt
smiley - hug Ex-Rambling
smiley - hug Mistadrong
smiley - hug Broelan

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fun Fan Club!!!!

Post 4472

Crazy Man

smiley - hug

But, Dragonfly, this is a public forum, and secrets cannot be kept here because people can find it...

...but I'll keep the secret, and I'm sure the others will as well smiley - winkeye

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4473

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4474


well... i'm the new herald which gives me access to the arch's, but i don't understand enough of the heirarchy to say that makes me an arch.

smiley - hug mom

and no, it's not a secret, the sainting ceremony was yesterday smiley - angel

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4475

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh, yes.... which no one seemed to attend, sadly...

::looks at her Book Review Guidelines::

This is one of the dorkiest essays I have ever been assigned: is: "Three-quarters of a page to one page: a summary of the work's story-line.... One page to one-and-one half pages: an assessment of the work's historical context..... Three-quarters of a page to one page: a statement of what you learned about history from reading the work...."

Just cheesy to me, I guess... Bleh...

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4476

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.


smiley - hug A. Dragonfly, writer of astonishing essays ... never cheesy.

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4477

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - hug A. Washcloth, Esquire...

Thank you!!! I am cheesecakey at times, though!!! smiley - winkeye

The professor also wants us to "staple all pages together in numerical order", two times, obviously, since it's on the sheet twice... oh!!! MAYBE HE DIDN'T PROOFREAD!!! smiley - geek

I'm a little peeved, after a dinner conversation where Mother believes that "anyone who looks like an Arab" coming into the country should be sent "back home". smiley - steam Really annoys and hurts me. A lot.

And my grandmother seems to only focus on her own nation's history, which I guess isn't the worst thing in the world, but when I try to tell women of her generation how lucky our nation is, by and large, compared to other bigger nations, they make me feel very guilty for not knowing enough about American involvement in WWII. I'm thinking, "WWII was great for us. It got us out of the Depression. It provided us with jobs. Yeah, we lost lives, but didn't just about everyone!?? At least our nation was never INVADED, we didn't lose the 20 million that Russia did, and... we never had to live in our subway system while our capitol city was bombed by Nazis...." smiley - steam

But I don't make all those points. I am made to feel extremely guilty for having a world view, which seems to make U.S. sacrifices insignificant when compared to Europe and Asia. I don't like that feeling, especially when it comes from women, inside my family our out, who I should have profound respect for...

I wrote this onsite earlier: I think the women who I am meant to "look up to" in my family are anglo, pro-U.S, anti-immigrant, anti-poor people. It's really depressing. At least not all of them believe that there's only one path to God... I'd have to disown them if they were as narrow minded about spirituality as they seem to be about the foreign-born....

I'll probably get over this... ::sigh:: It's not really THAT bad, just on my mind. These women seem to me so sheltered and ignorant of all the contributions the foreign-born have made to the U.S....

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4478

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost *Sigh*
So many times I've heard that. It isn't just the women, D. Many of the WW2 generation feel this way about the U.S.'s involvement in WW2. They buried their loved ones, or their mothers did, and they grew up without fathers, because of that war. To you, it's years ago. To them, it's personal.
Yes, others lost more than we did as a nation, but when Daddy, or your best friend's Daddy, doesn't come home, or comes home in a wheel chair, it isn't about suffering as a nation. Whether these women know it or not, it is remembered fear, and a personal loss. By saying that our country suffered less, you invalidate that, and they will respond with anger. It isn't a question of who suffered more. It isn't a contest. Loss is loss. I hope this helps you to understand why women who were alive during the 40's feel strongly about that war.
They also heard the anti-foreign stuff and the old "Pull yourself up by the bootstrap" stuff growing up. You have to let them have their opinions, and walk away. Arguing solves nothing. Let them be wrong, when they won't let you be right.
Remember, if every one from earlier generations agreed with the anti-poor, anti-foreign nonsense, then things wouldn't have changed.
When your Grandmother comes up with a line like that one, just walk away. Hopefully, there are other things about her that you can love and respect.
smiley - hug

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4479

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you just have to let sleeping dogs lie

It's Dragonfly's Silly-Fan Fun Club!!!!

Post 4480

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Hey. I do basically keep quiet. I haven't made the arguments IRL that I made in my last post here. I'm just annoyed at how people believe that the Americans were the great rescuers in WWII. In many ways you can say we were, but we waited what!?? Three years to become "really" involved!??

And then we put our Japanese Americans in internment camps...


I guess everyone wants to and deserves to think the very best about their nation... I just keep seeing what buttheads the anglos of this country have been, and I would like to cry.

I need to ammend my previous statement about the States never being invaded. Manifest Destiny was an invasion.

YEAH!!! There's good about the U.S. too. Somewhere.

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