This is the Message Centre for El Presidente

hey there senor presidente

Post 141

El Presidente

Ah. Good ol' Senior Skip day. It kinda sucks: there are so many seniors I am going to miss next year. Luckily I'm hitchin' a ride to the gra-gee-a-shun, so I have a definite LAST day to see 'em. If only I could send them off with a lovely massive drunken beach orgy to remember me by...

hey there senor presidente

Post 142

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

ls this a private absolutely-pointless conversation, or can any one join in?
And for the love of God, please bring beach balls to that graduation. We had about six at mine, batting them about the crowd as the assistant principals scrambled angrily about in vain attempts to confiscate them. Quite beautiful, and a welcome spot of color amid all the blue mortarboarded heads.(A pleasant dizziness and lightheadedness incurred due to the massive amounts of air the balls took to inflate is the only thing that kept me going during the motivational keynote speaker...)

hey there senor presidente

Post 143

El Presidente

I HATE motivational speakers. Not to mention motivational phrases, etc.

hey there senor presidente

Post 144

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

This one wasn't just a motivational -speaker.- Oh no. This one had motivational -poems-.
Badly rhymed poems.
"l'm one, l'm unique, l'm special, l'm me /
No one else is like me, that much's plain to see..."
And thank God for that fact. One bard of the human ego's quite enough, thank you.

hey there senor presidente

Post 145

El Presidente

Egad(I cant believe I just used the word "egad")! I pity your ears for having to have heard it, and your fingers for having to have typed it. Motivational POEMS!

hey there senor presidente

Post 146

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Yep. We also got told a story about butterflies, and how the struggle of leaving the cocoon strengthens the wings, and how "struggles faced alone in our lives will teach us to fly".
So if you come across a motivational speaker, with his feet bound, strapped to concrete weights, -struggling- to free himself as he sinks further down into the river waters...don't help him. He's learning to fly.
With the fishes.

hey there senor presidente

Post 147


helloo odradek! what a refreshing positive attitude youve got theresmiley - winkeye
graduation is coming up in a friekin week and it still hasnt hit me yet... but im counting on a good speech from our student speaker because hes my bud and he usually cracks me up... i believe i will stand up and walk out if someone reads motivational poetry to ussmiley - bigeyes

hey there senor presidente

Post 148

El Presidente

I'm hitching a ride to the graduation, but ONLY to see my friends and NOT to see the "you are all leaving into a new world where you will use your high school knowledge excessively but of course we're lying about that so you can pretty much forget everything you've learned for the last 13 years of school simultaneously" speeches. And there will be a LOT of them.

hey there senor presidente

Post 149

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

l have to admit our student speakers weren't quite so bad. There was quite a bit of drama, actually, as the kid who had been the apparent valedictorian since, well, gestation, really, found out about an hour before the ceremony that, on final GPA calculation, he'd lost out by a thousandth of a point to the salutorian. So we got a decidedly catty (and impromptu) speech by him about his plan to go against the System, and a speech with lots of Tolkein quotes from the kid who did wind up with the ultimate grade-point honour.
l, on the other hand, graduated with an approximate 1.6 (weighted) GPA. And l took four AP and all the rest honors classes. l'm damn proud.
'Course, due to that, l found out yesterday that l'm not going to college...but hell. Who needs a future?

hey there senor presidente

Post 150


hmm quite the predicament... did you graduate recently? ive only got a couple school days left and it still hasnt it me... the only thing thats making me so sad is signing yearbooks... who woulda thought?

hey there senor presidente

Post 151

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

lt may not hit you at all. lt's strangely underwhelming; l got out on the 25th and graduated on the 3rd.
One idea that we had some fun with: bring a shirt to school, any old shirt will do, and a Sharpie or other incarnation of permanent/washable marker, and have everyone sign your shirt, and wear it on the last day. Like a yearbook, but without the smarm.
Does your school have a ritualistic final-day anarchistic guerilla war in the senior parking lot, involving shaving cream, water balloons,fish intestines,silly string toilet paper, and other forms of God-knows-what-else that you throw at each other and especially on people's cars in a sort of farewell bacchanal? Mine did. l heartily recommend it, except don't wear polyesther pants, because shaving cream won't come off.

hey there senor presidente

Post 152


oh what a fabulous idea that wouldve been! today -last day- was pretty uneventful and the weather was real crappy... just about the most exciting thing my friends did was steal the cords from all the telephones. ah well. at least they triedsmiley - winkeye

hey there senor presidente

Post 153

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Well congra-jidily-dations, kiddo. Enjoy the rest of your life.
(Now that you're out, see, what you do is -- at least if your school, like mine, lets out the seniors a week or so before they let out the underclassmen -- is you return the next day, barricade off the parking lot a) so the juniors can't park there and b) to bring along Hibachis and have a tailgate party there. This is only amusing if the juniors of your school are now trying to park there, however, and means getting up far too early.

hey there senor presidente

Post 154


yes yes far too much energy required for thatsmiley - winkeye graduation ceremony was not that bad actually... and these past couple of days have been like a time warp... so many parties and so little sleep... and now that i havent been with my friends for more than just a couple hours, im going through some sort of strange withdrawal! i just dont understand... maybe i should get a little more sleepsmiley - bigeyes

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