This is the Message Centre for El Presidente

hey there senor presidente

Post 121

El Presidente

"Get out your textbooks, today we're playing Pythagoras's concerto in Amin + Bmin = Cmin."

hey there senor presidente

Post 122


reminds me - have you ever heard that song "you + me = us" by that mtv boy band?

hey there senor presidente

Post 123

El Presidente

Of course. 2ge+her.

hey there senor presidente

Post 124


hillarious! i never did get to see the movie though...

i dont know why this reminds me of it, but another real funny song is the discovery channel one (you and me baby aint nothin but mammals etc etc). who sings it again?

hey there senor presidente

Post 125

El Presidente

The Bloodhound Gang. I can't believe you've never seen the movie! Don't worry though, you didn't miss much really, I could hardly pay attention to it. ::sigh:: Leave it to MTV.

hey there senor presidente

Post 126


heheh mtv... good old quality televisionsmiley - winkeye this evening i was so bored (so not looking forward to writing my paper) that i watched part of a special on eminem

hey there senor presidente

Post 127

El Presidente

Oh how ever did you tear yourself away from such a gripping, informative piece of biographical broadcasting? Such quality in programming should surely be set as an example for the lesser networks to hope to achieve. Truly, Mr. Marshall "Eminem" Mathers has raised the proverbial "bar" for each and every one of us poor, lowly, unworthy beings. We should be so lucky as to have his gift for creating a great television viewing experience which he has been ever so kind as to allow us but a glimpse of. Indeed, a model citizen is he. All hail the great ruler from his bling bling-studded* throne in the city-state that is Detroit`. Three cheers! Long live Slim Shady!

*It's the lingo all the kiddies are usin' these days.

`"That don't sound Greek to me!"

How's THAT for informative(don't forget stupid)?

hey there senor presidente

Post 128


hehe in the true style of slim shady , i do believe you need a couple f*cks and sh*ts and *ss's in theresmiley - winkeye

hey there senor presidente

Post 129

El Presidente

This is true. However in the true style of some kind of 16th century praising ranting thing, I managed to keep the language as flowery as is possible.

hey there senor presidente

Post 130


ahhh hehehe history.... i just took and royally f****d up my ap modern european history exam. it was lovely - my friends and i tried learning five hundred years of history in the five class periods before the exam. not smartsmiley - winkeye
and now im off to watch a lil saturday night live. britney spears as musical guest and host. interesting.

hey there senor presidente

Post 131

El Presidente

I saw that. The guy in the sewer was hilarious.

hey there senor presidente

Post 132


i missed that sketch! do tell...

hey there senor presidente

Post 133

El Presidente

There's this guy who lives in the sewer and wants Britney to sign his phone book. She does, and the both go back to his place in the sewer and he sings her a song, but the song is basically messed up, nonsensical stupidity. Britney says its beautiful, but then her manager tells her to come out, to which she replies, "No! I want to stay here, with him." But she does end up leaving, at which point the last couple of lines of the song are sung while the sewer guy looks straight into the camera with a sad face during a close up. You had to have seen it, because I'm sure that my retelling(being devoid of detail) wasn't funny.

hey there senor presidente

Post 134


hehehe oh but imagining it is very funny...

hey there senor presidente

Post 135

El Presidente

If only I could remember the guy's name, it was kinda funny, and started with W.

hey there senor presidente

Post 136


a funny w name... hmm wally? willie? walter?

hey there senor presidente

Post 137

El Presidente

No, I've pretty much thought of about every W name I can, and I still don't know. All I remember is it was funny.

hey there senor presidente

Post 138


ahhh i missed saturday night live this weekend how was it? i spent the weekend at the beach with about tweny other friends. it was wild!smiley - bigeyes!

hey there senor presidente

Post 139

El Presidente

Nice. Why the beach? Why 20 friends? Why was I asleep when SNL was on?

hey there senor presidente

Post 140


hehe i guess its just something our school does on memorial day weekend -- we call friday senior skip day and then the four day weekend becomes beach weekend ---- a lovely massive drunken orgy at the beachsmiley - bigeyes
well not quite... but definitely fun

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