This is the Message Centre for El Presidente

hey there senor presidente

Post 21


food for thought--->
i just heard yesterday that i got into MIT AND GEORGETOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have not stopped smiling

hey there senor presidente

Post 22

El Presidente

And you are now...what, flipping a coin? i call tails!

hey there senor presidente

Post 23


heehee - im leaning toward mit ... but i might just have to resort to that coin
ill keep you posted on the resultssmiley - smiley

hey there senor presidente

Post 24

El Presidente

On second thought, wouldn't it just be funnier to put 'em on a dart board and blindfold yourself?

hey there senor presidente

Post 25


after giving the issue much thought, i do believe that that would be the most wisest way of going about itsmiley - bigeyes

hey there senor presidente

Post 26

El Presidente

That simply cannot be! Something EYE came up with being SMART? Naaawwwwwwww....

El Prez

hey there senor presidente

Post 27


i will try to boost your self confidence level now mr genius...smiley - smiley
i just failed a spanish test............yippee

hey there senor presidente

Post 28

El Presidente

well cuidado frio pollo diablo en mis pantalones lo siento (btw this is spanish gibberish!)

hey there senor presidente

Post 29


oh dear - good - because for a minute i really thought there was a devilish chicken running around in your pantssmiley - bigeyes

hey there senor presidente

Post 30

El Presidente

Did I say i was lying?

hey there senor presidente

Post 31


interesting point.............

hey there senor presidente

Post 32

El Presidente

Los ladrones tienen mi perro y la biblioteca es muy verde a mio. More spanish gibberish! Yay!

hey there senor presidente

Post 33


shall we interpret the deeper meanings and subtle nuances in that drivel?
-saffiresmiley - winkeye

hey there senor presidente

Post 34

El Presidente

Let's not and say we didn't, m'kay?

hey there senor presidente

Post 35


alrightyyyyy then!

hey there senor presidente

Post 36

El Presidente

As yet another conversation goes to waste.

hey there senor presidente

Post 37


what are your feelings on foosball?

hey there senor presidente

Post 38

El Presidente


hey there senor presidente

Post 39


we played for hours the other night...
its quite the calorie-burnersmiley - smiley

hey there senor presidente

Post 40

El Presidente

It combines the exercise of a Bowflex with the fun of Tae-Bo while still managing to be the anti-Richard Simmons.

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