This is the Message Centre for El Presidente

hey there senor presidente

Post 81


oh god now ive just gotten a flashback of 'robin hood men in tights' when cary elwes is battling little john above a trickle of a stream...
give me a hint!!

hey there senor presidente

Post 82

El Presidente

Hint: WHAT is your name?

hey there senor presidente

Post 83


argh! its like the scene is on the tip of my brain...
does it involve something with silly questions?

hey there senor presidente

Post 84

El Presidente

Indeed it does! Hint: WHAT is your quest?

hey there senor presidente

Post 85


dammit the questions arent ringing a bell...

hey there senor presidente

Post 86

El Presidente

3rd and final HINT(then you, in desperation, go rent the movie): WHAT is your favorite color?

hey there senor presidente

Post 87


well now i know what im doing next weekend...smiley - winkeye

hey there senor presidente

Post 88

El Presidente

And the one after that, and the one after that...

hey there senor presidente

Post 89


i think there is another movie someone told me to see... the cradle will rock ... ever heard of it?

hey there senor presidente

Post 90

El Presidente

Nooo...what's it about?

hey there senor presidente

Post 91


ive no idea - thats why i ask!

hey there senor presidente

Post 92

El Presidente

That's like me going, "There's this movie, and I don't know the name of it, or what it's about, but I do know...wait, I don't know that either. Anyway, have you heard of it?"

hey there senor presidente

Post 93


hahah oh but i do know EXACTLY what movie youre talking aboutsmiley - winkeye

hey there senor presidente

Post 94

El Presidente

...And it is...?

hey there senor presidente

Post 95


oh goodness sorry ive been gone so long! just got back from a vacation on the sunny shores of western florida...
it was awesommme
now what particular drivel were we talking aboutsmiley - winkeye?

hey there senor presidente

Post 96

El Presidente

I don't think it matters. So, is western Florida like Disneyworld and Universal or just some more old people in apartments playing shuffleboard?

hey there senor presidente

Post 97


western florida is a shitload of old people who are way too tan and should not be wearing skimpy bathing suits...
but the last couple days of vacation we went to orlando-universal studios...and that was wildsmiley - bigeyes have you been there?

hey there senor presidente

Post 98

El Presidente

Yeah, but I was like 8 or something so I don't remember much except everything good there had to do with Back to the Future(then again, I was kinda obsessed about it at the time, y'kno they had a cartoon for a while).

hey there senor presidente

Post 99


yeah that ride was sweet...
the lines there were soo long! my brother and i waited for a grand total of three hours (on and off) for the spider man ride because of 'technical difficulties' it was not pleasant...but the ride was fun

hey there senor presidente

Post 100

El Presidente

Is that new, cuz I don't remember it. All I know is that my parents never wanted to spend too much time in any of the parks so 90% of my trip to Universal was 2 times on Back to the Future(like a grand total of 12 years wait before every one!).

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