This is the Message Centre for The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

The appartment, part 1

Post 141


As long as no-one eats me!

The appartment, part 1

Post 142

Jo (Dead)

*takes one final look around her loving home..

...and leaves. Forever*
smiley - sadface

The appartment, part 1

Post 143


Come, the food wasn't that bad, was it?

The appartment, part 1

Post 144

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

I guess I was a bad host, serving only DEAD food smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 145

Jo (Dead)

*scratches pathetically at door*


Naahh!! Me want milluk naoww!!
smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 146

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

*bops Jinx on the head*

THAT's for scratching the paint on my door, you naughty cat! Why can't you just rub against my leg, if you want my attention, huh?

Ok, come into the kitchen, then I'll get you something to drink.

*fetches some milk, puts it on the floor*

The appartment, part 1

Post 147


~sniffing air~ ... Hey me wants some milk too... in a tall glass with a straw of course!!!

The appartment, part 1

Post 148

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Hi Greebz, you're awake too? Okay my little furry one, I'll get you some milk... And I guess you'll be wanting it in a glass with a straw smiley - smiley

And you must be starving by now as well, so I guess it's greasy fingers time for me... smiley - smiley

*makes Greebo a glass of milk and gets a strawberry-jelly doughnut*

How would this be?

The appartment, part 1

Post 149


Ohhhhh WOWOWOWOWOW!!!... Milk and doughnuts... the puuuuuurrfect way to start the day... thankyou Oh boney One... ~really wide toothy grin~

The appartment, part 1

Post 150

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

You're welcome, oh furry purr-being smiley - smiley

I like to keep my guests (and especially the furry purr-beings) happy and healthy. That way they will visit me more often, and stay longer smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 151


So, keep smiling smiley - smiley and they will. smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 152

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Hi BB!

I've got a bottle of Blue Curaçao somewhere... care for a sip of that? smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 153

Jo (Dead)

*laps up milk*

*leaps onto Skelly's lap and curls up in a tight fuzzy bundle*


smiley - smiley

(This cat is never leaving home again!)
smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 154

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

My boney legs must not be a very comfy place to curl up on, here darling, let me put this pillow on my lap first, then you can curl up on that!

*gets soft pillow, let's Jinx curl up, then strokes her gently asleep*

~happy smile~

come Greebz, Lisa... Join in... Oh, ah.. BB, maybe you better help yourself to that Blue Curaçao smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 155

Jo (Dead)

*digs shoulders into the pillow luxuriously*


*slowly falls asleep*
smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 156


Hmmm... had to much milk me thinks... ~crossing legs~... May me use your bathroom Oh Boney One?

The appartment, part 1

Post 157

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

~happy skull shows wide bare-bone grin~

The appartment, part 1

Post 158

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Yups, ofcourse, little furry purr-being... and there's also a sandbox, if that's easier for you... smiley - smiley

The appartment, part 1

Post 159


SANDBOX!!!! ~indignant sniff!!~... Me is not a common moggy, me wants some privacy when me goes... Now if you would be so kind as to show me to your bathroom, me can relieve myself before me disgraces myself on your floor... ~nervous hopping from foot to foot to foot to foot~

Me really wants to go quite badly you know... am really quite desperate actually... ~indignant sniff becomes pathetic grimace~... ~trying to cross all four legs... getting tangled up and falling over~

The appartment, part 1

Post 160

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

What? One tiny small kitty catty that wants me to chase Jinx away from my lap and get up only to show her to some huge bathroom where you won't even be able to reach the potty?

This sandbox is very private, it's got a cover and even a neat little flappy-door and the sand is replaced twice a day. It's right through that *points at only door* door there (all doors here are always open to accomodate for cats who don't want to beg), and around the corner.

Greebsy may be a veggy-catty, eating only doughnuts in stead of meat, but Greebsy is still a catty, methinks. And if all that doesn't make you wanna use the sandbox yet, just go through that *points at only door again* same door and take the door just across the hall (also open).

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