Journal Entries

and so...

i just don't know how else to put it
here is our life
and it is a decision
and a string of consequences
each slightly different from the last
great poets
the road not taken
that chest stretching
that gut feeling
strengthening the arms
creating shape
even the most you can do is not enough
the mind rejects satisfaction
infinite potential

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Latest reply: Apr 19, 2000


two words

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2000

cartoon girls

it is not when i am in the dark staring up at the massive night sky and stars, nor when in a small tin boat in the pacific ocean with no land to see, nor crouching on the edge of the grand canyon looking down and out, but when i am sitting in a mall eating fast food that i get that feeling of being very small, insignificant and replaceable

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Latest reply: Apr 12, 2000

welcome to the cruel world

gomez AND ben harper played TOGETHER in los angeles on the 26th of february.
i was very close to los angeles at this time.
it may have been that i would not have actaully been able to attend
(bloody bloody!)

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2000

i feel pride

i have now lost a job due to alcohol-related activities!!
true, it was one quarter caused by the fact that my alarm doesn't work and another quarter because some fool removed the telephone from my bed so that my wakeup-call consisted of my flatmate shouting into the answering machine at the other end of the hall at 7am, but the other 50% was directly related to alcohol.

go on, i KNOW you're impressed.

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Latest reply: Apr 7, 2000

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