This is a Journal entry by an apple tree

i feel pride

Post 1

an apple tree

i have now lost a job due to alcohol-related activities!!
true, it was one quarter caused by the fact that my alarm doesn't work and another quarter because some fool removed the telephone from my bed so that my wakeup-call consisted of my flatmate shouting into the answering machine at the other end of the hall at 7am, but the other 50% was directly related to alcohol.

go on, i KNOW you're impressed.

i feel pride

Post 2

Classic Krissy

*be's imprehhummmmm*

How old are you? Because I think if you're under 30 you can blame it on "juvinile funnyness".

i feel pride

Post 3

an apple tree

that's right.
i'm funny
i'm young
i'm wild
i'm irresponsible
and i can do whatever i want to my hair

i feel pride

Post 4

what you know as km

*snaps her fingers*


i feel pride

Post 5

beetle, return of

I thought you didn't have any hair.

This is what i get when i miss a few days. I miss the drama.

i feel pride

Post 6


And, apparently, you miss hair-growing too.

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