Warning: I am Evil

Just kidding, I'm not really evil. I am known both as Pizza The Hutt of the dreaded Flesh Eating Pizzas and Top Dollar 99, head of a vicious crime sindicate (or just Shep).

For the purposes of this page I have chosen to be known by my true name of Pizza The Hutt of the planet Pizzeria. Won't you join me in my quest for world domination and the abolition of all Teachers. All you have to do is change your name to Dave of the Flesh Eating Pizzas and send all your credit card numbers to [email protected].

For a start, allow me to mention a few things which will be promoted under my galactic order: Rock music, Films, Generation X, The Simpsons, Futurama, General rebellion, Horror Movies, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Cheese, Rainstorms, Swearing, Green Day, Garbage, Gravity Kills, Pennywise, Anything to do with James OBarr's The Crow, Science Fiction, Philosophy, Pyrrhonism, Pesimism, Being Lazy, The internet and, most importantly, The bottle caps from bottles of the drink called Oasis.

Now, allow me to get off of my chest, just a few things I won't stand for: Racism, Sexism, Odd socks, Teachers, Stupid people (i.e.-teachers), Joe Pisquale, Any suppression of the rights of the individual, Robbie Williams, Any form of Censorship, Feminism (i.e.- Sexism), Smoking near my lungs (whether they are in my body or not), Hate, Boy bands, S Club-7, General Triviality, and, most importantly, Organised religion. If you believe in a God, a Yawhey, a Tao, a Brahman, whatever, fine, go with it, but don't ever let anyone tell you or tell anyone else, what to believe.


Now, we will all unite under one nation using the Babel fish ><> as our means of communication we will form a new society, with no armies, no wars, no government and no laws except one: You can do whatever the hell you want as long as you aren't infringing on anyone else's right to do what they want.

Flesh Eating Pizzas- You need us because you're WEAK!!!!

Signed Pizza The Hutt- ;-)

have a nice day.


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Pizza The Hutt

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