This is the Message Centre for Pizza The Hutt


Post 1

Researcher 97619

no one ever calls you Pizza The hutt, or Top Dollar 99, so why do you always call youself that.

I am not, however, having a go at you, you can visit my site, althought there is, and never shall be anything on it, i registered for the sole purpose of replying to this , anyway, um, ok, uh,
is cool,
um, hey ho hum, um okk, cya , tra la la dee da, happy Shep?

joe pasquale

Post 2


i agree with this article but please just leave joe pasquale alone. or spell his name correctly.

joe pasquale

Post 3

Pizza The Hutt

I hate to disagree, but Joe Pisqulallalalalalal is a squeeky little moron who is not funny at all. no offence, and thankyou for your reply.

joe pasquale

Post 4

Setra Nath

who is joe whatever it what was ?

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