Journal Entries


I have had no time. I am working on the flash project that my friend from the convention asked me to work on. We're currently finshing up and I am waiting for the back-end guy to finish! will be up today and Shaq is a part owner.
I'm also working of project Haiti which will help save hatian kids' lives. It involves playboy bunnies, the fugee's singer wycliff and places I want to go! It is going to be wonderful!
Back to waiting!

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Latest reply: Sep 21, 2000

work and more work

So here I am. At my job. Playing. They're paying me to play because of the Flash convention. So here I am. Talking to a friend I made at the Flash convention. And he's offering me another job. On my own time. For lots of money. All because of the Flash convention. So here I am. Finding out that Flash is in high demand. All over. For lots of money. All because of the Flash convention.

Damn. I should right an article on Flash. If I had any time. Which I guess I do. Otherwise I couldn't write this. Hmmm.

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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2000

conference end

The conference was wonderful beyond belief! I learned all sorts of things I hadn't known before. It was also very inspirational. There were all sorts of speakers there and all sorts of amazing things. The flash film festival was just amazing. I'm already planning to win one of the flash award next year. It looks like a giant red mouse arrow. I think it whould be called a "wedgie". I can't believe that I'm really planning on being an expert flasher so I can get a wedgie. What a mind.

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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2000

Convention 12:12 7/24

Here in the internet lounge, I can check my email, post to the journal, update my site and anything else. Damn itis nice. The convention is a little boring so far but the classes have just started. I'm a little behind Omara at meeting people but she's dragging me along just fine. Once I get the scripting down, it will be a blast. Lots'o'interesting things in the exhibition area. I'll pick it up over time and check them out.

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000


Flashforward2000 Convention starts tomorrow! The company I work for is paying my way! It will be a most excellent adventure! It makes me emensely happy. I can't wait to see what they will show me. There is a flash film festival that will show off the best and brightest of the swf. And a couple of parties. One has Run DMC and the other has Funkadellic. I'm not sure about them. Hopefully, there will be a couple of outside parties that will be better. AAAHHHH. I'm excited!

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000

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