Journal Entries


If you don't know why I named this piece such, then you might never know.

It is raining outside. A heavy, soaking rain.

There are peole who dispise me because of my previous actions, but they aren't the reason. I can't find any other reason to hate him besides, I do. That's a lie.

I will endevor to never think of him again.

The rain is harder.

I think there is something wrong, wrong with everything. But I cannot figure it out. Perhaps I am mad. That would make sense.

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Latest reply: May 19, 2000


This web promotion stuff is really entertaining. I just started an egroup for the magazine and an announcement list for announcing things. Its wonderful to have another person, with another server, take care of my email list and chat stuff.

It was nice to log on and have a reply from a researcher I didn't personally know. Especially nice as it was a relevant and interesting reply.

Sleep. A good, yet usually sparce, commodity...

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Latest reply: May 16, 2000

Flirtation, sex and repression

Is repression of sexual tension the root of Art? If so, is flirtation a way of increasing the tension. I find I work better on creative expression when my desire is peaked sexually with the frustration of the inability to act. Fufilment of the desire seems to drain the artistic expression. Hmm... Perhaps creation is another release of the sexual tension that can only come out when pushed. I find that extensive repression of sexuality becomes detrimental in the long run. Distracting and excesively frustrating. Experimentaion will tell all.

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Latest reply: May 8, 2000

Flirtation, sex and repression

Is repression of sexual tension the root of Art? If so, is flirtation a way of increasing the tension. I find I work better on creative expression when my desire is peaked sexually with the frustration of the inability to act. Fufilment of the desire seems to drain the artistic expression. Hmm... Perhaps creation is another release of the sexual tension that can only come out when pushed. I find that extensive repression of sexuality becomes detrimental in the long run. Distracting and excesively frustrating. Experimentaion will tell all.

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Latest reply: May 8, 2000


Drunkness in an expression of the self. It is an inability to surpress the self and an exhaultation of the baseness of ourselves. I love drunkness for the openess of social behavior and the sexuality it creates. However, even excess must be within bounds. Just not tonight. Hyde must be released, occasionally,

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Latest reply: May 5, 2000

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