Journal Entries


Flashforward2000 Convention starts tomorrow! The company I work for is paying my way! It will be a most excellent adventure! It makes me emensely happy. I can't wait to see what they will show me. There is a flash film festival that will show off the best and brightest of the swf. And a couple of parties. One has Run DMC and the other has Funkadellic. I'm not sure about them. Hopefully, there will be a couple of outside parties that will be better. AAAHHHH. I'm excited!

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000


Various human secretions and by-products smell particularly bad when they rot. Pocky, on the other hand, doesn't. Funny how that is. I'M GOING MAD, I TELL YOU, MAD!!! All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 12 hour work days. Seeing everything in vector graphics. Flash this and flash that. Mind numbing.

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2000

Human DNA

The chemicals that makeup the human DNA have all be recorded. Now they need to be sequenced. And then they need to be tested for functionality of individual genes. Then we will know the biological make up of every individual. But we will still know little about ourselves. It is one thing to know how something is made. It is another to know how it works. But it is completely different to know why it is, and why it works.

He tasted his last breath in this life and realized why he had such a craving for sex througout. His final moist exhale had the wet and living taint of a woman. It was the same mellowed tang forced into his mouth at birth. He found the comfort in this realization that he had searched for all his life. He at last comprehended the sensation of being satiated. Then he left.

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 2000


And out of the darkness sprung the sacred geometries that would bring man to understanding. And these spinning marvels shall be limited to no individual nor group. And these shall be for all. Simply close one's eyes...

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2000


I'm screaming. You wouldn't be able to hear it if you were next to me, but I'm screaming. I'm screaming at all the women who hit on me and I have to turn them down. I'm screaming at all the people who have a wonderful time while I watch them, oblivious. I'm screaming at my wife who seldom speaks to me any more. I'm screaming at myself for not writing what I truly want to say. I'm screaming. And it isn't going anywhere. And it is swelling. I don't know how much more the taught skin can stretch. And it's causing me pain. And I'm screaming.

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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2000

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