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Going to Axminster today, yay!

Just for 3 nights (4 nights is too much), with all four of my dogs. Beauty can stay with the 'host' as also offers pet sitting (and is a dog trainer). I'm intending to do lots of walking and geocaching and sitting around planning training courses and reading. So just like being at home, but with different scenery, and without being interruped by staff coming in and out all day collecting keys and laundry and stuff.

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2013


Is nearly 19! When did that happen??

Anyhoo, on Monday he's starting his A level equivalency years at College, doing a two year Level 3 Diploma in Games Development. On interrogation about what he wants to do in two years time he's dropped the idea of Uni, but doesn't know what he wants to do as apparently Games Development is very broad and covers 'everything'. I am hoping he'll decide which 'bit' he likes and get him into more education, but he'll be nearly 21 by then.

At some point he's got to go out to work.

I liked the tutor we met this week, he commented that his course attracts a lot of social recluses. What a polite way to phrase it. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2013


And after 5 years of neglect and dogs trampling round it I'm getting my house an garden back in January when I give up home boarding. :D

So had a good mooch around to see what's about and spent some time with my head in some books identifying all the shrubs the birds have brought me.

Holly, what I think is hawthorn (one will have to go as it's too spikey to leave where it is), and sadly what I think is a beech tree that will have to go. smiley - sadface It's right next to the fence, and I thought 'that will be okay' only to find that at 30 years old it would reach from one side of my garden to the other, *and* do the same in my neighbours garden. Interestingly it must be 12 ft tall, which could mean it's been there for 10 years, so I guess the neglect goes back more than 5 years. smiley - bigeyes

So getting a tree surgeon out to have a look at it, and I'll get them to lop the buddleias down to size as well. Which means we could have a very dull winter with not much to look at in the garden. smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Aug 30, 2013

Just seen

An advert for Wonga on h2g2. This site really has plumbed the very depths. smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2013

Woz going oooooonnnn??

Spending my evenings in a hot flush. I thought it might have been the steroids for my nose, then the heat wave, but it's still going on nearly a month later - starts around the same time every evening, between 7 and 8pm. I was getting night sweats too, but they seem to have faded. Broken sleep, also blamed on the steroids (increased thirst leading to night loo visits), is continuing and I can't blame the daylight as it's dark when I wake up!

I have been having floor or almost famine in the *ahem* monthly area all this year.

Should I see the to see if this is the beginning of the end? smiley - wah

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Latest reply: Aug 27, 2013

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