Journal Entries

Last but one..

session of my training courses. I've started to get really fed up, so am not going to be doing anymore. I'm giving up my training centre for a few reasons, but the main one being it's not bringing in enough money. Either I'm not interested enough in doing it, or it's just too hard, or I need to do evenings. I already give up my weekends, I only clawed back my evenings last year, so don't really want to give them up again.

So I'm really looking forward to finishing these. Also giving up home boarding from the end of this year, and from now on only taking one at a time (I have had 4 plus 2 daycare here at times). Not sure what next year will hold, but I have other plans I'm working on.

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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2013

Richard Curtis

No not that one, this one -

Tinker and I are spending today with him (and a few other people) to learn more about dog training. Yes, I even work with dogs on my 'day off'.

To give you an idea of how much work this is - Tinker and I spent 3 weeks working on a 15 second routine which was basically just him walking between my legs and doing a little circle on each side of me - 4 times.

Of course, I have a terrier, who weren't bred to do as they are told, while he's working with a collie who are bred to watch very closely (orginally smiley - sheep but people will do in their absence) so don't get distracted by, say, leaves blowing past...

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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2013


There's this thing about writing journals every day it appears from my conversation list. Not sure I understand what it's all about - there was a time I'd have to work hard to LIMIT myself to one a day. What is the goal, what are the benefits for readers and writers alike? I'm not criticising, just asking.

I'd like to know what people want to read about me. As sometimes I get comments, and sometimes I don't. And I know my journal is for me, but if I'm talking to myself I might as well go back to handwriting a diary and hiding it under the mattress.

Nobody even cared that I'M GOING TO BE ON TELLY (properly, rather than just a spare part/extra like on Trinny and The Gadget Show. Except smiley - bluefish, although that's worth about 25 comments as it's a rare days smiley - bluefish surfaces. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2013

How rude!

Bidding for a car on ebay as it's just perfect to turn into a motorhome, and we won! Excellent! Then the tossbag told us it had sold before the auction ended. Shame as he didn't mention that when he was emailing me 4 hours before the end. It sold right on the reserve, and he had it listed on a classified ad site for twice the price, so wondering if he's trying to make more money out of it.


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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2013

T minus 24 days

1 minute 19 seconds, blink and you'll miss it!

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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2013

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