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A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 81

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I don't think we even lit ours thrice last winter. It was simply a mild season ... There is a piccy of it in one of the albums on my Fotki page.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 82

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

If I remember rightly ours was warm to begin with then it turned cold, warmed up in march and went down hill from there

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 83

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ours was quite wet until Christmas, and then generally tame for the rest. A very odd season, it was.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 84


Excuse the butting in just a quick drop in to say howdy doody before I fly off to the orchard to start up the lawn mower, we have enough wood now to last us five winters after culling between 40 - 50 trees. Looked at some of your photos Nic looks like a wonderful holiday plan on reading your post when I get through in the garden and hearing all about it. smiley - run

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 85

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hey, Lady H, you are always welcome here. smiley - hug It sounds as if you are still keeping yourself quite busy. smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 86

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi Nick, excuse me for butting in here - and so late even. I'm getting too forgetful with age. smiley - senior

I do hope you had a very special day on Monday, seeing as it was your Thanksgiving day, too, so should have been a bank holiday, I guess?
How often did it so far happen that your bd and Thanksgiving were on the same day? Not very often, I guess, so all the more reason to celebrate. smiley - smiley

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 87

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It's now happened 7 times in my lifetime. One of which was 23 years ago, the day I met Milady. So it was also our 'anniversary' of sorts. And thank you.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 88

aka Bel - A87832164

Meant to post on Monday, but forgot. smiley - senior

A rough calculation tells me that that's been nearly every seven years, which did surprise me because of the leap years - but then maybe the even out somehow. I never took that into consideration. smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 89

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I suppose that if you look at the frequency of occurences over a long enough period of time smiley - winkeye ... It will average out.

In fact, the years that it has happened so far are '62, '73, '79, '84, '90, '01, and 07. The next will be '18. So there are short gaps, and then gaps that are quite long.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 90


Seems like ages since I have had time to sit and chat how are you? smiley - smiley I enjoyed your email it came jst in time to plant a smile on my facesmiley - smiley
Christmas preparations are now well under way here when will you guys start to prep things. We have just come in from gathering wood and clearing more of the firebreaks and Iam absolutely buggered I think my shoulders are now permenantly disconnected from their socketssmiley - erm. The fire season seems to have started early ehre though nothing comared to those fires in california do you get the same problem with your Canadian bush?
Our pollies are in full swing trying to get peoples votes and even though there is only four weeks to go till election day I still can't decide whom to vote forsmiley - sadface
one man seems to me to be just a figure head for the back room boys who are really runnning the country at present.... whose main agenda is economy economy economy ( where you read economy insert big business only interested in profit margins)smiley - wah

While the other man strikes me as lacking integrity and experience but knows how to talk and manipulate media astonishingly well and is so far leading the pollssmiley - wah

Do you follow the rugby if so heres a joke my son told me

Whats the difference between the english soccer team and a teabag

The teabag stays in the cup longer smiley - rofl

Well I am going to grab a shower and a cuppa before I tackle house work muffin and fudge making before moving onto dinner and runingsmiley - run Rafe to Drama I hate Day light saving with a passion roll on the Referendum...

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 91

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Christmas is pretty much a done-deal. Except for a coupld of little things for each other, all of our shopping and wrapping is done. For family and friends. Today, I'll be mailing the first of several largeish boxes.

British Colombia, and some remote parts of Ontario, due have the occassional forest fires. Not often anything as large as the Californian ones though. I've been fortunate to never live too close to any of these locales.

We have just been through a provincial election, and as the last number have been, it wasn't a very satisfying outcome. If it weren't a proper duty, I'd be very tempted to not vote ... But I do believe in the concept that, if you don't make your mark and give your opinion, then you have no right to moan later. smiley - laugh

And lastly, in the catch-up wave, we will only change the clocks this coming week-end. The Americans chose to go 2 weeks early in the spring, and a week later in the autumn. And as they are our neighbors and largest trading partner, our government opted to follow their lead. For a few weeks a year now, I'll have to carefully track time-zones when chatting or calling some friends. smiley - erm

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 92


I am stuck for a present for Tom this year it has steadily gotten harder each year neither of us are terribly materialistic if you give me a book plant or movie I am more than happy meanwhile Tom has every tool known to man kind doesn't have time to read or play with his trains and while he is learning to enjoy gardening its still pretty much my what do you get the man who has everything he wants.... any suggestions will be gratefully accepted?smiley - erm

Woops gotta dash I am late I am late as usual per usual runs off muttering again about that blasted day light savingsmiley - run

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 93

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And I'm off to re-heat some roast beef, gravy and mashed spuds for our supper. smiley - drool

I thought of an idea, for my missus to get me for Christmas. Because every occassion is the same battle, what do I want? I too have what I generally need, and don't often go for stuff just because it's smiley - cool. I thought I had an idea, until I saw the price ... M*A*S*H on DVD, the TV series ... Over $300 !!!

It's now here, with extra discs and the original movie in the collection, all 36 DVDs. smiley - groan/smiley - biggrin

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 94


Holy Moly Bat man we bought the whole series but it only cost about
$150.00 Australian what about second hand from Amazon...have you seen a british series called Top Gear? if not I think I will have to send it to you its hysterical especially if you enjoy men playing with cars everything from tanks to Ferrari....Still thinking for christmas still cursing day light saving as I come in and look at the clock to see no not 5.30 but closer to 7.30 and I have not made dinner yet so the children certainly wont be in bed by 8.00pm mutter mutter mutter as she wanders off to kitchen to bang pots and pans and curse politicians

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 95

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I LOVE Top Gear and I'm a girl, I have a lot of the best episodes on disc, the new series is proving to be one of the best, especially seeing Richard Hammond in a self parking Lexus, wrecking the studio smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 96

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ummmm, I've never been much into speed and smash 'em up stuff. smiley - erm

And I did look for used M*A*S*H, but there were none from the Canadian site. And only 3 new ...

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 97


Mash Rocks I knew it you have taste smiley - biggrin

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 98


Ps check this out.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 99

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - book Got that link tagged for a longer perusal on a week-end. Assuming I survive the descent of the costumed hordes tomorrow. smiley - yikes

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 100


Yes thanks for sending that nonsence over heresmiley - erm

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