This is the Message Centre for Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 141

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Occassionally, I do remind my girl that folks from all over the world are asking about them. She finds that amazing, despite the fact that she subscribes to every fad going ... Facebook, MySpace, Pick-a-cool-site-stuff ... smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 142


Well you just let them know tha you have loads of friends over here.smiley - smiley

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 143

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

She was flabbergasted that we would not only travel so far for our anniversary, but also schedule everything to meet and suit 'internet friends'. When I told her how sorry we were that we could not accept a good dozen other areas and homes of the Isles to visit ... only because of time and money ... She was speechless. It will take time, but eventually I will have her understand how people met here are NOT the same as those 40 strangers in some chat-room or what-ever. Each becomes a very real person, especially when snail-mail and voice contacts are made.

Mentioning that, I was a bit disappointed a few weeks ago. My birthday was the same day as our 'Thanksgiving Day', so I had a full day of freedom. I called my original ACE, by phone. By the 4th word, despite my total absence of accent, she knew exactly who it was. So much for 'surprising' anyone. smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 144

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Great pics Nick, that is one angry cat on the first page. I'm sitting her relaxing with Santana's new album

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 145


Hi RG how are you mate things OK in good old Gosport.smiley - smiley

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 146

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Yeah things are fine here

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 147


God , by the way Remember What The Doormouse Said,what was that?smiley - smiley

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 148

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I've been meaning to ask that myself. I don't know of any door-mice ...

And nope, no angry cats ... Shadow just gets very intense when he's watching black squirrels in our front yard. smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 149


Well we did some cat rescue we have a collection mow Cats that issmiley - smiley

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 150


The difference between cats and dogs, is that dogs come when called and cats take a messageā€¦ and get back to you.

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 151

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - laugh Ain't that the truth? They readily learn what-ever name we give them, but only acknowledge it IF they chose to ...

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 152

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Tut tut, I thought you 2 old hippies would have recognised a line from Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit

smiley - musicalnote Remember what the doormouse said, feed your head, feed your head smiley - musicalnote

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 153

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

In my day, THE radio station that we could receive had both kinds of music, country and western. smiley - doh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 154

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Oh dear, I would have ended up in a room with rubber wallpaper if that had have been me, I was on the local radio last night, well my name was, every friday and saturday night the local station does something called School Days playing music from the late 70's and 80's and I sent in a list of things about my school days and it was read out

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 155

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ohhh, another layer of notoriety. Will it just never end for you? smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 156

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Probably not smiley - rofl

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 157

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Do remember to mate note of these things, ... and then laminate the notes.

Comes a day that you begin aging, oh ... say about MY age, ... These things are either forgotten or near impossible to prove. smiley - laugh

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 158

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I forget things now let alone in a few years time

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 159


Spring is definitely here Cyclones are forming and things are being hatched we have baby ducks on the way and a pair of banjo frogs have left 5000 baby frogs in our pond we put in over winter...smiley - magic

We are busy writing scripts making costumes and developing programs for our Christmas concert.....smiley - run

Besides this Tom and the children went camping down at Moore River which runs into the Indian Ocean they had a ball and came home full of tall tales and lots of wind and sun burn.smiley - biggrin

So whats new in the world of Nic?

I can't beleive that its only nov and we are already getting 39 degree days I think this is going to be one hot summer. We have now put a roof of sorts over the entire vegie patch and extra cover around three sides to reduce the wind burn the plants get ..the corn and tomatoes look great but the celery and broad beans are not coping so well with the early heat....however the beetroot, capsicum, lettuce melons etc etc are all thriving.smiley - ok

We are going to begin work soon on a second pond but this one will be much bigger as we are going to use the old swimming pool liner not sure quite where we are going to position it yet...still consulting with the experts on what will be best. have you ever heard of a man named Peter Andrews and natural sequence environement...he hails from NSW and while properties around him are struggling with the drought and are as brown as brown his property is lush green and the cattle are fat saw a program on him on the weekend I can't for the life of me figure out why the federal govt doesn't heed his success and take him on as a consultant.

Speaking of the federal election they are really hitting top gear now and I am still no closer to decifding who to vote for. Well enough lolly gagging around work to be done hope your wellsmiley - run

A Rev Nick Journal: Every 20 years or so ...

Post 160

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Some fierce temperatures you achieve there, m'dear. Lately, some of our days barely exceed 3.9 C. smiley - laugh

There isn't much new here. The last of the Christmas shopping was done a few weeks ago, and as money is found parcels are being mailed around the country. The one that is destined for the grandchildren weighs about 23 pounds !!!

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